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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2020-12-02 Emptiness as Inclusion - Meditation 34:17
Shelly Graf
Common Ground Meditation Center Weekly Dharma Series

2020-12-02 Emptiness as Inclusion - Talk 52:12
Shelly Graf
Common Ground Meditation Center Weekly Dharma Series

2020-12-02 Head hair, Body hair, Nails, Teeth, Skin, Flesh, Sinews, bones, Bone Marrow, Kidneys/Kidneys, Bone Marrow, Bones, Sinews, Flesh, Skin, Teeth, Nails, Body Hair, Head Hair 41:43
Bob Stahl
We are happy to announce a special opportunity to practice the 32 Parts of the Body meditation, which is rarely taught in the West. This practice deepens insight into impermanence and non-self by penetrating into the true nature and wonders of the body. We will also explore how the body interrelates with the four primary elements of earth (solidity), air (motion), fire (temperature), and water (liquidity). This methodical practice of the 32 Parts of the Body Meditation can build immense levels of concentration, potentialities for healing, and experience the taste of deep freedom and peace. This is the 15th year of offering this class at Insight Santa Cruz and it has been truly wonderful. People have frequently reported developing a whole new relationship to their bodies with greater wisdom and compassion. We will also be hopefully doing a tour of the Cabrillo Anatomy lab to get a deeper experience of the body.
Insight Santa Cruz

2020-12-02 Wednesday Afternoon Session 1:48:27
Thanissara, Kittisaro
Spirit Rock Meditation Center "Essence: Accessing Peace Within Uncertain Times" with Kittisaro and Thanissara

2020-12-02 Practicing with Views 2 1:18:14
Donald Rothberg
We continue to explore the important, complex, and often challenging theme of practicing with views (or beliefs)--a central theme of individual practice and a vital area in the contemporary collective context. We first review the teachings of the Buddha on views, mentioning several key texts in which it's clear that he takes a highly pragmatic approach to views; views are helpful if they are conducive to awakening and traditional Indian metaphysical views are both not helpful and not ultimately resolvable in terms of their validity. An approach to views is unskillful if based on reactivity, on grasping or fixating, on the one hand, or pushing away in aversion, on the other. We also explore how many social views are the result of manipulation and control, as in propaganda and the social construction, often for reasons of manipulation, of many of our most central concepts and views. In the last part of the talk, we explore several ways of practicing with views, including (1) developing mindfulness of views, (2) inquiring into fixed views (we outline a number of methods), and (3) cultivating listening and empathy. The talk is followed by discussion, with comments and questions.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2020-12-02 Wednesday Morning Session (Part 1) 1:11:17
Thanissara, Kittisaro
Spirit Rock Meditation Center "Essence: Accessing Peace Within Uncertain Times" with Kittisaro and Thanissara

2020-12-02 Wednesday Morning Session (Part 2) 68:04
Thanissara, Kittisaro
Spirit Rock Meditation Center "Essence: Accessing Peace Within Uncertain Times" with Kittisaro and Thanissara

2020-12-02 IMS Daily Dharma, Dec 2 2020 21:12
Caroline Jones
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center IMS Daily Dharma 2020

2020-12-01 IMS Daily Dharma, Dec 1 2020 21:57
Chas DiCapua
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center IMS Daily Dharma 2020

2020-11-30 Exploring the Buddha's Core Teaching: "I teach Dukkha and the End of Dukkha" 64:48
Donald Rothberg
The Buddha famously said, “I have dukkha and the end of dukkha.” Yet it can be confusing to know what the Buddha might have meant. One reason for the confusion is that there are multiple accounts of dukkha in the discourses; we explore four of them, finding that, for the first three, it doesn't make sense to speak of the "the end of dukkha." Only for the fourth sense of dukkha, which we find both in the teaching of the Two Arrows (or Darts) and in the teaching of Dependent Origination does "the end of dukkha" make sense. On this basis, we then explore the nature of dukkha, interpreted especially as reactivity, which we find in two forms--grasping and pushing away. We lastly explore eight core ways of practicing with dukkha.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

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