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Dharma Talks
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2023-11-15 Meditation: Refuge of Living Presence 13:10
Tara Brach
Our thoughts keep us removed from this living world. This guided practice invites us to open and relax with the moment-to-moment experience of our senses. It includes a poem by Ingrid Goff-Maidoff, “Wherever you are, Find a Trail.”
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC

2023-11-15 Week 7 - Guided Meditation - Arriving and Settling 22:19
Juha Penttilä
Gaia House Foundational Skills of Attention and Samadhi (online series)

2023-11-14 A Different Way of Knowing ~ Let the Boundless Qualities Shine Forth 52:34
Ayya Santacitta
Reflection & Guided Meditation on Metta, Mudita and Awareness of the More-Than-Human-World
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center

2023-11-13 The Emptiness Which Is a Fullness or Loosening Our Grip 51:41
Ayya Santacitta
Guided Meditation on the Five Elements and Impermanence
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center

2023-11-12 Not Questioning the Self | Sunday Sound of Dhamma 45:46
Brief meditation followed by a dhamma talk.
Dassanāya Buddhist Community

2023-11-11 Coming Home, Slowing Down, Not Turning Away from the Trouble 42:06
Ayya Santacitta
Reflection & Guided Meditation on the Four Elements as a support for shifting the cultural narrative
Cloud Mountain Retreat Center

2023-11-08 Week 6 - Guided Meditation - Enjoying the Breath 39:51
Juha Penttilä
Gaia House Foundational Skills of Attention and Samadhi (online series)

2023-11-08 Dispelling Hyper-individualism ~ Decenter Yourself! 46:26
Ayya Santacitta
Short Reflection & Guided Meditation | Earthworm Practice for the Anthropocene | Online Wednesday-Mornings
Aloka Earth Room

2023-11-08 Meditation: Relaxing Back and Saying Yes to the Moment 18:49
Tara Brach
When we are stressed, our conditioning is to tighten our body. We tense against our moment-to-moment experience. This meditation is a powerful practice of de-conditioning this reactivity by learning to relax back into presence, and to respond to difficulty by saying “yes.” Through relaxing back and saying “yes,” we discover our heart’s capacity for unconditional love.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC

2023-11-08 Week 6 - Guided Meditation - Arriving & Settling 25:31
Juha Penttilä
Gaia House Foundational Skills of Attention and Samadhi (online series)

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