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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2020-11-07 Guided Meditation – Faith as the Basis of Meditation 15:58
Ajahn Sucitto
We enter meditation with a sense of faith, that there’s something beneficial that can be derived just by coming into the present moment. Witnessing, aware of, not in it, not rejecting it – a firmness of presence builds up. The initiation is faith, the consummation is wisdom.
Cittaviveka At Home with the Homeless: Ajahn Sucitto Locked Down

2020-11-07 Guided Metta & Chanting 45:47
Noliwe Alexander
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Deepening into the Heart of Love and Freedom with Noliwe Alexander, Lama Rod Owens, MA, Arinna Weisman, Katy Wiss and Melvin L. Escobar, LCSW, RYT

2020-11-06 Die Fünf Indriya 31:35
Ayya Santacitta
Geführte Meditation | Aloka-Dharma-Zoom
Aloka Vihara Forest Monastery

2020-11-06 37 Qualitäten die das Erwachen beflügeln 36:34
Ayya Santacitta
Aloka Vihara Forest Monastery

2020-11-06 Five Hindrances 47:22
Leigh Brasington
Dharma Zephyr Insight Meditation Community :  The Jhanas and Insight: a 10-Day Online Retreat

2020-11-06 Das Licht der Weisheit 65:20
Yuka Nakamura
Was ist Weisheit? Und welche Bedeutung hat sie? Der Vortrag erläutert die drei Formen der Weisheit im Dharma, die sich gegenseitig ergänzen, und gibt Hinweise, wie man die Weisheit in der Meditation geschickt fördern kann.
Zentrum Freier Buddhismus Essen :  Online-Retreat Weisheit und Mitgefühl

2020-11-06 Sit With Instructions 40:22
Lama Rod Owens
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Deepening into the Heart of Love and Freedom with Noliwe Alexander, Lama Rod Owens, MA, Arinna Weisman, Katy Wiss and Melvin L. Escobar, LCSW, RYT

2020-11-06 IMS Daily Dharma, Nov 6 2020 24:10
Caroline Jones
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center IMS Daily Dharma 2020

2020-11-06 Five Daily Recollections 50:10
Leigh Brasington
Dharma Zephyr Insight Meditation Community :  The Jhanas and Insight: a 10-Day Online Retreat

2020-11-06 Contemplation On Balance and Non-Harming - Guided Meditation 25:19
Mark Nunberg, Shelly Graf
Day 1 of a 2-day online retreat
Common Ground Meditation Center Valuing Calm, Clarity, and Non-Harming During Times of Intensity

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