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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2020-10-11 Q&A 35:13
Ajahn Sucitto
Advice for young people experiencing panic attacks, lack of motivation, depression; how to locate tension and contraction in the body; feeling restless about others’ difficulties and wanting to share Dhamma; working with disconnects in society; working with external sounds in meditation; how to get more steadiness in meditation when body is so uncomfortable.
London Insight Meditation Finding and Using the Missing Piece

2020-10-11 Mettā Samādhi or Samādhi Mettā 55:38
Nathan Glyde
Exploring what happens when we offer mettā phrases that resonate with and radiate the felt sense of samādhi. Apologies: there are a lot of environmental noises from the sonic-cityscape I sat in to offer this online session. Hopefully the inimitable delight of Dharma overcomes the occasional annoyance of a horn, alarm, or call of a city dwellers.
Gaia House Online Dharma Hall - Oct 2020

2020-10-11 Recollecting Faith 15:02
Ajahn Sucitto
We use embodiment as a holding frame to bring heart and mind together. Energy is the meeting point. Recollect your faith – why you do this practice – to uplift and fortify energy. This provides some ballast from being knocked around by the world.
London Insight Meditation Finding and Using the Missing Piece

2020-10-11 Walking Meditation – Soothing Tension 12:45
Ajahn Sucitto
The mobility of walking helps soothe feelings of tension and aggression. The loose and the strong aspects as you walk create a feedback loop to circulate energy. A comfortable collectedness of energy can result.
London Insight Meditation Finding and Using the Missing Piece

2020-10-11 06 talk: Heavenly Messengers 2 - Ageing 23:05
Jill Shepherd
A short introduction to the heavenly messenger of ageing, as an invitation to explore our attitudes to our own ageing
Auckland Insight Meditation Cultivating resilience in challenging times: Learning from the "heavenly messengers"

2020-10-11 Q&A 36:28
Ajahn Sucitto
How does release come about; working with regret/results of unskillful actions; how to sense into spine and other internal body parts; how to hold good heartedness towards seemingly evil behaviors; wanting to meet aggression with aggression; working with drowsiness; waning interest in events around me.
London Insight Meditation Finding and Using the Missing Piece

2020-10-11 Monday moring meditation: body, heart and mind coming together 43:08
Jill Shepherd
Steadying and stilling the body as a support for steadying and stilling the heart-mind
Auckland Insight Meditation

2020-10-11 Guided Meditation - Letting Go of Mental Complexities 35:14
Ajahn Sucitto
After setting up the posture, allow the breathing. Let it educate your mindfulness. Step out of the anatomy of body and into the energy body. Steadily wiping out the visual impression, just feel what you feel.
London Insight Meditation Finding and Using the Missing Piece

2020-10-11 The Gold Star of Heart Tones – Equanimity 40:26
Ajahn Sucitto
Liberation is expressed as both liberation of citta and liberation of wisdom. As the heart is soothed and relaxed, the roots of behavior can be penetrated, distractions and defilements discarded. The result is a heart tone which is serene and comfortable with all that arises.
London Insight Meditation Finding and Using the Missing Piece

2020-10-10 Day Two - LGBTQ Online Retreat: Heart Practices 56:56
Pascal Auclair
True North Insight Freedom & Ease of Being: A Meditation Retreat for our LGBTQAI+ Community

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