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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2020-10-08 Guided Reflection & Meditation: Grief & Compassion 30:54
Matthew Brensilver
Guided Meditation
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Fall Insight Meditation Retreat with Phillip Moffitt, MA, SEP; Matthew Brensilver, PhD; Tuere Sala and Dawn Scott

2020-10-08 "The Three Groupings Meditation for Deeper Understanding of the Paramis” 51:04
Phillip Moffitt
Guided Meditation
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Fall Insight Meditation Retreat with Phillip Moffitt, MA, SEP; Matthew Brensilver, PhD; Tuere Sala and Dawn Scott

2020-10-07 The Practice of Samadhi - Session 1: Creating the Conditions 1:21:27
Kim Allen
Three-part series on samadhi
Insight Santa Cruz

2020-10-07 32 Parts of the Body—Head hair, Body hair, Nails, Teeth, Skin 62:41
Bob Stahl
We are happy to announce a special opportunity to practice the 32 Parts of the Body meditation, which is rarely taught in the West. This practice deepens insight into impermanence and non-self by penetrating into the true nature and wonders of the body. We will also explore how the body interrelates with the four primary elements of earth (solidity), air (motion), fire (temperature), and water (liquidity). This methodical practice of the 32 Parts of the Body Meditation can build immense levels of concentration, potentialities for healing, and experience the taste of deep freedom and peace. This is the 15th year of offering this class at Insight Santa Cruz and it has been truly wonderful. People have frequently reported developing a whole new relationship to their bodies with greater wisdom and compassion. We will also be hopefully doing a tour of the Cabrillo Anatomy lab to get a deeper experience of the body.
Insight Santa Cruz

2020-10-07 A New Method for Working with the Paramis in Your Practice 54:04
Phillip Moffitt
Dharma Talk
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Fall Insight Meditation Retreat with Phillip Moffitt, MA, SEP; Matthew Brensilver, PhD; Tuere Sala and Dawn Scott

2020-10-07 Deepening Our Practice in the Pandemic 9--Wise Speech 6--Practicing with Difficult Speech Situations 4 49:00
Donald Rothberg
We focus, in the context of difficult or challenging communication, on the integration of individual, inner practice and skillful speaking. After a review of eight general guidelines for skillful speech and how we do inner practice related to, but separate from, such challenging communication, we look at ways to bring inner practice in speaking and relating. We also focus on several more "outer" skillful ways of speaking to bring about mutual understanding, including using relatively neutral observations free of interpretations, and cultivating the practice of empathy. We then look at how to integrate more inner and more outer dimensions of practice in the context of several challenging situations.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2020-10-06 Letting Go 15:20
Kim Allen
Insight Santa Cruz

2020-10-06 Metta Practice 39:39
Tuere Sala
Guided Meditation
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Fall Insight Meditation Retreat with Phillip Moffitt, MA, SEP; Matthew Brensilver, PhD; Tuere Sala and Dawn Scott

2020-10-06 Guided Meditation: Feelings and their elaborations 54:09
Matthew Brensilver
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Fall Insight Meditation Retreat with Phillip Moffitt, MA, SEP; Matthew Brensilver, PhD; Tuere Sala and Dawn Scott

2020-10-05 The Four Noble Truths: Understanding Suffering, its cause, its release, and the way toward its release - Week 4 - Meditation 28:11
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Buddhist Studies Course - The Four Noble Truths: Understanding suffering, its cause, its release, and the way toward its release

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