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Dharma Talks
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2019-10-18 Day 1 Walking Meditation Instructions (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 15:37
Erin Treat
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Fall Insight Meditation Retreat

2019-10-10 The Way Out of the Jungle 32:50
Ajahn Sucitto
We can do better than just getting by. We can feel fulfilled in a deep way, released from our confusion and blind spots. We use meditation to cultivate qualities of non-suffering, comfort and steadiness and extend them. The resulting inner harmony becomes our vehicle for walking through the jungle of the heart.
Cittaviveka Vassa 2019 Closing Group Practice Retreat, Cittaviveka Monastery

2019-09-24 Words on Practice & Instructions for Walking Meditation 14:50
Pascal Auclair
True North Insight Coming Back to Our Senses

2019-07-02 Day 1 Morning Instructions Part 2: Walking Meditation Instructions and Alternatives (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 13:57
Dawn Mauricio
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Carrying the Lamp of Our Ancestors' Wisdom and Heart: A Time of Healing and Creating Legacies - Annual People of Color (POC) Retreat

2019-06-01 Spiritual Bypassing: When We Do Not Want to Look Honestly 1:38:51
Ajahn Sukhacitto
Sometimes, we want to escape our problems and challenges of life and turn to meditation for a rest or to experience quiet and peacefulness. In some ways, we may now be spiritually distracting ourselves from our feelings, thinking that we are walking a healthy spiritual path. This effort is often referred to as spiritual bypass, which ultimately serves as a defense mechanism. This defense mechanism, in this form of Spiritual Bypass, shields us from the truth, disconnects us from our feelings, and helps us avoid the things we could be looking at. It is more about checking out than checking in, and we often don’t even realize that we are doing it. How can we use Dhamma practice to integrate meditation and insight more fully into our lives? Can Dhamma principles guide us in all that is happening? In this evening program, we will explore these questions and our practice by meditating with a talk and exchange and looking at honestly at our meditation practice and our intentions. This event was offered by donation
New York Insight Meditation Center Diving Deep: Living the Satipatthana Sutta

2019-05-14 The Wisdom of Walking and of Sheepdogs 50:26
Ajahn Sucitto
There are 3 kinds of wisdom: discernment, skillful means and realization. Walking meditation and appropriate mindfulness are skillful means for cultivation. Together they bring around a stewarding akin to that of the sheepdog that moves within the flock, not outside it. This results in the deep harmony of samādhi.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge The Touch of Dhamma - May 2019 at IMS - Forest Refuge

2019-03-23 Day One Instructions - Breath and Body/Walking Meditation 52:34
DaRa Williams
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Clarity, Compassion and Freedom: Insight Meditation Retreat

2019-02-26 Guided Loving Kindness (Metta) Meditation (and Walking Meditation Instructions) 44:57
Chris Cullen
This recording also includes Kirsten Kratz.
Gaia House Awakening and Liberating the Heart

2019-02-24 Guided Meditation on the Elements (and the use of this in walking meditation) 40:13
Chris Cullen
This recording also includes Kirsten Kratz.
Gaia House Awakening and Liberating the Heart

2019-02-23 Inviting the Heart In - Morning Instructions on Sitting & Walking Meditation 53:50
Kirsten Kratz
This recording also includes Chris Cullen
Gaia House Awakening and Liberating the Heart

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