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Dharma Talks
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2016-12-29 No Mud No Lotus 46:10
Ayya Santacitta
Working with the Five Hindrances
Aloka Vihara Forest Monastery (Angela Center)

2016-10-30 Investigating The Five Hindrances Week 2 58:47
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Weekly Dharma Series

2016-10-16 Investigating The Five Hindrances Week 1 55:07
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Weekly Dharma Series

2016-10-07 Steadying the Mind, Opening the Heart 58:41
Sally Armstrong
There are five factors that are supported for deepening concentration, known as the jhana factors. These factors are developed in any kind of intensive meditation practice, but are particularly supportive for the development of samadhi. They also serve to counterbalance the hindrances. When the hindrances are not active, the mind and heart can be buoyant and open, allowing concentration and insight to deepen.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three-Month Part 1

2016-08-15 Be Like Bamboo 35:58
Ayya Medhanandi
The jhana factors serve as antidotes to the five hindrances as well as supports in developing the Noble Eightfold Path. But they are not enough in and of themselves to establish wisdom. Studying the body and mind through samatha and vipassana, we come to understand the Four Noble Truths. As we transform consciousness, we transcend the world. A talk given at a 7 day Satipaññā Insight Meditation Toronto retreat in the Chapin Mill Zen Retreat Centre, Batavia, NY.
Satipaññā Insight Meditation Toronto

2016-06-13 Brief introduction to the contemplation of feelings, consciousness, and Dhammas 52:13
Bhante Khippapanno
Emphasis on the contemplations of the five hindrances and the sixth sense bases and six sense objects. Also a brief introduction to the path consciousness and stream entry (sotapana path and fruition)
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge June 2016 at IMS - Forest Refuge

2016-05-01 Opening to Suffering 46:33
Lila Kate Wheeler
Finding beauty and peace through wisely practicing with the five hindrances.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center (Yucca Valley) Spring Insight Meditation Retreat

2016-03-01 Buddhist Studies Course - Mindfulness of the Mind and Mental Qualities - Week 8 - The Seven Factors of Awakening 63:58
Mark Nunberg
Tonight we will review the Buddha's teaching on the Seven Factors of Awakening. There are the inherent qualities of mind that when recognized and developed in balance with each other inevitably lead onward to awakening. They include mindfulness, investigation, energy/persistence, joy, tranquility, concentration/steadiness and equanimity. Joseph Goldstein calls these factors, "The sap that runs through the Buddha's tree of liberation; a powerful healing medicine that we must actually develop in our own minds." In the Buddhist tradition, it is thought that just to be reminded of these inherent qualities, to bring them to mind, is considered to be deeply healing and protecting. Are we willing to learn to recognize them, and learn how to feed or strengthen these aspects of the mind. Here is a link to the Ahara Sutta, a discourse of the Buddha's where he describes how to strengthen and weaken the factors of awakening This discourse also describes how to feed and weaken the five hindrances
Common Ground Meditation Center Buddhist Studies Course - Mindfulness of the Mind and Mental Qualities
Attached Files:
  • Ahara Sutta by Thanissaro Bikkhu (PDF)
  • Seven Factors of Awakening by Insight Meditation Center (Link)

2016-02-22 Buddhist Studies Course - Mindfulness of the Mind and Mental Qualities - Week 7 - The Five Hindrances 1:18:39
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Buddhist Studies Course - Mindfulness of the Mind and Mental Qualities
Attached Files:
  • Sutta Studies: Understanding the Hindrances by Andrew Olendzki (Link)
  • The Five Mental Hindrances and Their Conquest: Selected Texts from the Pali Canon by Nyanaponika Thera (Link)

2015-11-04 Practice In the Presence of the Five Hindrances 51:40
Kirsten Kratz
Gaia House November Solitary

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