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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2020-03-05 Preliminaries, Regarding Voice, Movement, and Gesture (Part 5) 12:51
Rob Burbea
The five talks in this series were recorded by Rob at his home. Being preliminary practices for Soulmaking Dharma, the exercises offered in these talks can be worked with before a student engages the full scope of the Soulmaking teachings. However, some of the material presented here will only be properly comprehended and contextualised once a student already has some basis of preparatory experience and understanding of A Soulmaking Dharma.
Gaia House Vajra Music

2020-03-05 Guided Meditation: Four Elements Meditation 40:10
Susie Harrington
A guided Elements Meditation with 8 minute intro to finding balance and accessing ease through earth connection. Second morning of retreat 3 in 15 month program. (Program Sponsored by the Sati Center)
Sky Mind Retreats Buddhist Eco-Chaplaincy Retreat 3

2020-03-05 Whole Body Breathing 50:46
Chas DiCapua
How to feel the breath throughout the whole body, with a relaxed open awareness.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center The Seven Factors of Awakening: Insight Meditation Retreat

2020-03-05 Day 5 Morning Instructions (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 62:17
Phillip Moffitt
With Refuges and Precepts
Spirit Rock Meditation Center March Monthlong

2020-03-05 Day 5 Brama Vihara Instructions (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 43:05
Andrea Fella
Spirit Rock Meditation Center March Monthlong

2020-03-04 Meditation: The Blessings of Yes 20:12
Tara Brach
When our hearts open to the life that is here, just as it is, we discover vast loving presence. This meditation engages the smile as we scan through and awaken to our body and senses. Then we practice meeting the changing flow of life with a full allowing, wakeful and open awareness. We close with a verse from e.e. cummings. “What happens when the heart says “Yes” to this moment? And what happens when that “Yes” goes even deeper?”
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC

2020-03-04 Desire and Addiction (Part 1 of 3): Voices of Longing Calling You Home 48:18
Tara Brach
Desire is intrinsic to all living forms – the urge to exist and flourish. It turns to suffering when, due to unmet needs, it contracts, intensifies and separates us from our full aliveness and awareness. These two talks guide us in awakening from this trance, and discovering how within desire is the longing that can carry us to true belonging.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC

2020-03-04 A Wise Approach To Pain and Discomfort 22:58
Matthew Hepburn
Meditation instructions on how to continue developing wisdom and compassion through mindfulness of the body - even in experience of pain and discomfort.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center The Seven Factors of Awakening: Insight Meditation Retreat

2020-03-04 From the Ordinary Habitual Mind to the Buddha Mind 16: Working with Our Psychological Conditioning 3 62:28
Donald Rothberg
We begin by pointing to how combining traditional Buddhist training with transforming psychological and social conditioning and unresolved material suggests the contours of a contemporary path of awakening. We then identify some of the main areas of the contemporary “shadow,” of unconscious, unresolved conditioning and developmental wounds, such as anger, fear, death, shame, conflict, trauma, grief, sexuality, and so on. We then give a “map” of four stages in the transformation of the shadow (particularly in a meditative context), starting with finding ways to access the shadow, then learning to be with and explore the shadow, then transforming the shadow, and then integrating the shadow work with daily life.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2020-03-04 Preliminaries, Regarding Voice, Movement, and Gesture (Part 4) 1:59:41
Rob Burbea
The five talks in this series were recorded by Rob at his home. Being preliminary practices for Soulmaking Dharma, the exercises offered in these talks can be worked with before a student engages the full scope of the Soulmaking teachings. However, some of the material presented here will only be properly comprehended and contextualised once a student already has some basis of preparatory experience and understanding of A Soulmaking Dharma.
Gaia House Vajra Music

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