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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2020-02-26 Meditation: Relaxing with Life 21:41
Tara Brach
This meditation begins with a body scan, and then we practice opening to and relaxing with our changing experience. The sitting closes with a beautiful poem by Danna Faulds, “Just for Now.”
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC

2020-02-26 Exploring the Four Noble Truths: The Art of Inner Happiness 51:13
Matthew Daniell
Cambridge Insight Meditation Center

2020-02-26 Facing Fear (Part 2) - Awakening Your Fearless Heart 52:13
Tara Brach
Fear is a natural and universal part of our incarnation, and, when it goes on overdrive, we get imprisoned in the suffering of separation. These two talks explore how the RAIN meditation can help us face fear, and discover the boundless loving awareness that includes but is not contracted by currents of fear.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC

2020-02-26 The Breadth of our Dharma Path - Meditation 33:36
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Weekly Dharma Series

2020-02-26 The Breadth of our Dharma Path - Talk 54:39
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Weekly Dharma Series

2020-02-26 The Appropriate Response of Wisdom 50:24
Gullu Singh
The highest of all teachings is "an appropriate response" that response that leads to the lessening of suffering for ones self and others. Less of a "thing" but more of an ongoing process of inquiry.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center February Monthlong

2020-02-26 Renewal Means Refrain from Going Back 24:24
Ajahn Sucitto
Being comes before doing. Openness needs the protection of Refuge, not the defensiveness of ill-will. Renewal is not a case of planning or trying something new, but of stopping the re-creating of the old self. Citta then renews by itself.
Emoyeni Retreat Centre :  Clearing and Renewal

2020-02-26 Aligning to Direct Experience 11:25
Ajahn Sucitto
As phenomena arise, align understanding to direct experience. Clear away inferences such as time and the notion of the body. All phenomena arise within awareness. Extend awareness through breathing. Pervade the body with tonalities of goodwill rather than of ill-will or no will.
Emoyeni Retreat Centre :  Clearing and Renewal

2020-02-25 Wise Intention (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 53:49
John Martin
This talk emphasizes Wise Intention in the context of a long retreat: Wise Intention includes the three aspects of renunciation (letting go of the sense desire), loving kindness and compassion.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center February Monthlong

2020-02-25 Satipatthāna - The Discourse of Establishing Mindfulness 31:41
Yuka Nakamura
The Satipatthāna Sutta is one of the most famous discourses in the Pali Canon that has informed the practice of Vipassana meditation and mindfulness meditation. The talks give an overview of the whole sutta.
Bodhi College Buddhist Foundations of Mindfulness

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