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Dharma Talks
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2023-10-07 Don't Think That Thoughts Block Meditation 59:41
Nathan Glyde
A guided meditation relating to sounds and thoughts equally, as happenings in sensitive knowing. Followed by a reflection of how we can exaggerate the necessity of a quiet mind in meditation. Suggesting here, too, freedom with might be better than freedom from. This session ends a bit abruptly as there was a call to enter a bomb shelter, but I felt there was enough here to upload. May all beings live in peace.
Gaia House Online Dharma Hall - October 2023

2023-10-07 Q&A on Dependent Arising 58:58
Ajahn Sucitto
Questions are précised and read into the file: Q1 About this drip, drip, drip experience … can we moderate it? Can it be influenced by others? 01:46 Q2 When you were talking about vedena, you said things don’t come into existence without formulation. In that context it seemed like formulation was desirable. And yet when taking about consciousness it seemed like formulation was not desirable. 03:55 Q3 And probably, at least I sense that compassion has less clinging than indifference where there is less solidification which is a movement towards the skilful. 09:50 Q4 Earlier you were talking about the search or the wish for certainty. Today I got the impression that there is no life to have permanence and solidity is like a stone statue. The better alternative perhaps is managing and growing over the predictability of I don’t know what … of stone. 13:45 Q5 I’m remembering what you said about existence … out of mind out of sight. But are there times when holding someone in mind can feel comforting for them and for you. 21:20 Q6 I’m not clear about vidia,veda, vedana and how these relate to avicca. 30:04 Q7 I’m struggling with the distinction between sankaras and dhammas. 31:15 Q8 And would nimitas be related to that? 33:45 Q9 That makes sense but my mind wants to connect that process to sankara. 40:09 Q 10 My question is about movement or awareness or flow in emotion. You mentioned that QiGong has supported your practice. But is it not also a meditation itself - cultivating awareness, supporting presence.
Bodhi College Unpicking the Tangled Skein

2023-10-07 Standing is Balanced 18:37
Ajahn Sucitto
Guided meditation
Bodhi College Unpicking the Tangled Skein

2023-10-06 Standing - Guided Meditation 25:55
Ajahn Sucitto
Bodhi College Unpicking the Tangled Skein

2023-10-06 Lovingkindness - Meditation 33:08
Mark Nunberg
This practice group is for people interested in developing the heart by training in the four beautiful emotions of lovingkindness (metta), compassion, empathetic joy, and equanimity. Each session includes instruction, a guided meditation, a short dharma talk, and time for questions and discussion. Both experienced and beginning meditators are welcome, no registration necessary. This practice group is led by Stacy McClendon and Mark Nunberg. Generally, the teachers lead on alternating months.
Common Ground Meditation Center

2023-10-06 Lovingkindness - Talk 55:53
Mark Nunberg
This practice group is for people interested in developing the heart by training in the four beautiful emotions of lovingkindness (metta), compassion, empathetic joy, and equanimity. Each session includes instruction, a guided meditation, a short dharma talk, and time for questions and discussion. Both experienced and beginning meditators are welcome, no registration necessary. This practice group is led by Stacy McClendon and Mark Nunberg. Generally, the teachers lead on alternating months.
Common Ground Meditation Center

2023-10-04 Week 1 - Guided Meditation - Practicing w the Hindrances 35:18
Juha Penttilä
Gaia House Foundational Skills of Attention and Samadhi (online series)

2023-10-04 Meditation: Letting Thought Clouds Come and Go 21:56
Tara Brach
This meditation guides us through a body scan and into a relaxed, open presence. When we realize we are lost in a thought cloud, our practice is to relax open, listening to and feeling the life of the present moment. We are training to become increasingly aware of the gap between thoughts, the space where the light of awareness shines through. “It’s in that gap between thoughts that the light shines through – this mystery, this living mystery of what’s right here… opening to and relaxing into the life that’s right here.” ~ Tara
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC

2023-10-04 The Healing Attitude of Lovingkindness - Meditation 34:09
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Weekly Dharma Series

2023-10-04 Grundlegendes zu Sammatta Praxis 47:49
Renate Seifarth
Metta gehört zu den Objekten für Sammatta-Meditation. Neben der grenzenlosen Güte soll die Fähigkeit der geistigen Sammlung gestärkt werden. Es wird betrachtet, was unter sammatta verstanden wird, welche Bedingungen förderlich sind und welche Resultate entstehen können.
Waldhaus am Laacher See :  Metta Retreat

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