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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2020-02-23 You Are Loving Awareness (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 63:27
James Baraz
Mindful awareness creates spaciousness for love to naturally shine through -- your true nature. The talk includes reminisces of Ram Dass, major benefactor of the insight meditation community, who passed away Dec. 2019 and whose practice was "I am loving awareness."
Spirit Rock Meditation Center February Monthlong

2020-02-23 Q&A 55:48
Ajahn Sucitto
What is mindfulness; What is investigation; Unusual images arising in meditation; Death and afterlife; How to deal with vulnerability of heart?
Emoyeni Retreat Centre :  Clearing and Renewal

2020-02-23 Closing Comments and Short Guided Meditation 37:35
Leela Sarti
Gaia House Embodied Freedom

2020-02-23 Mindfulness of Breathing 11:37
Ajahn Sucitto
Mindfulness of breathing is the gathering of attention around a process that is flowing and fluid. The steady and suffusive quality of breathing eases tensions in the heart and mind. The thinking process quietens down and external sights and sounds don’t impinge allowing the natural qualities of the heart become more apparent.
Emoyeni Retreat Centre :  Clearing and Renewal

2020-02-23 Wise Speech Part 1 67:43
Mark Nunberg
Weekly Sunday Dharma talk and guided meditation.
Common Ground Meditation Center

2020-02-23 Removing the Bookmark of Suffering 55:42
Ajahn Sucitto
Felt meanings are triggered through contact. They are conditioned, and over time become like bookmarks that we return to. It’s possible to acknowledge agitating ones and discharge them through the body. Positive meanings can be cultivated and embodied, generating new bookmarks.
Emoyeni Retreat Centre :  Clearing and Renewal

2020-02-23 Puja – Resounding Meaning 19:17
Ajahn Sucitto
Puja is the act of praising, honouring, lifting up particular spiritual values. It’s not limited by what one can or can’t do. The heart can be lifted to feel spiritual qualities – awakening, purity, generosity. This shifts one’s centre from the world back to one’s own heart.
Emoyeni Retreat Centre :  Clearing and Renewal

2020-02-22 Inner Beauty and the Two Guardians of the World 59:38
Kamala Masters
In the Dharma, it is said that there are Two Guardians of the world. They are actually inner guardians, or attitudes of mind, that support non-harming in our speech and behavior. This is a powerful cause for liberation to mature, resulting in a beautiful mind/heart.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center February Monthlong

2020-02-22 Dharma Talk 60:42
Leela Sarti
Gaia House Embodied Freedom

2020-02-22 Guided Meditation – Body Sweeping 32:02
Ajahn Sucitto
Body sweeping meditation encourages attention that gathers around an object. Rather than absorbing into phenomena, attention remains broad and open, like a loop.
Emoyeni Retreat Centre :  Clearing and Renewal

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