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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2020-02-07 Equanimity. 49:12
Caroline Jones
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge February 2020

2020-02-07 Lovingkindness_Practice_Group - Meditation 52:14
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Monthly Lovingkindness Practice Group

2020-02-07 Lovingkindness Practice Group - Talk 39:41
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Monthly Lovingkindness Practice Group

2020-02-07 Q&A 52:06
Ajahn Sucitto
Can non-monastics in the west reach enlightenment? Attachment in relationships; How to encourage care for the environment; Qualities that free us from world of senses; Freedom from rage resulting from abusive relationships; Compassionate response to racist remarks
Dharmagiri Firm Center, Open Heart

2020-02-07 Day Six Afternoon Instructions: Brahma Viharas - Forgiveness & Metta for Self (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 45:34
James Baraz
A guided meditation directing forgiveness & metta toward our body, mind & heart
Spirit Rock Meditation Center February Monthlong

2020-02-07 Day Six Morning Instructions - Hindrances (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 55:03
Beth Sternlieb
Meeting hindrances with mindfulness & compassion.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center February Monthlong

2020-02-07 The Liberating View 13:53
Ajahn Sucitto
A good part of our practice is adjustment in view. The divided view always leads to stirring and agitation. Deal with the rippling of energy directly in the wide overall field of body.
Dharmagiri Firm Center, Open Heart

2020-02-07 Transformation of Consciousness 64:06
Ajahn Sucitto
There can be a fundamental shifting of intention, of the source of kamma. Rather than following habitual reactions, hold them with a heart of goodwill and restraint. Through the expanding of relational intent is the cessation of suffering and stress.
Dharmagiri Firm Center, Open Heart

2020-02-06 Five Hindrances (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 56:36
Beth Sternlieb
When we meet hindrances with loving awareness they nourish wisdom & compassion.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center February Monthlong

2020-02-06 Transforming Our Experience of Time 2:05:02
Donald Rothberg
A guided meditation exploring the nature of our experience of time, followed by a talk and discussion.
East Bay Insight Meditation Community

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