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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2020-01-17 09 instructions: metta 19:01
Jill Shepherd
A brief introduction to metta or kindness as the first of the four brahmavihara practices
Blue Mountains Insight Meditation Centre New Year, New Beginnings

2020-01-17 08 guided meditation: exploring the four elemental qualities 15:51
Jill Shepherd
A short guided meditation lying down, bringing awareness to the elemental qualities of earth, water, fire and air within the body and externally
Blue Mountains Insight Meditation Centre New Year, New Beginnings

2020-01-17 07 instructions: mindfulness of the body in terms of the four elemental qualities 13:21
Jill Shepherd
Exploring mindfulness of the body in terms of the four elemental qualities of earth, water, fire and air
Blue Mountains Insight Meditation Centre New Year, New Beginnings

2020-01-16 When we consider suffering, kindness is the only response 58:38
Sylvia Boorstein
Spirit Rock Meditation Center January Metta Retreat

2020-01-16 Ācariya Puja - Recollect Pāramī (Evening Public Talk) 63:47
Ajahn Sucitto
A recollection of the qualities and effects of the teacher, Ajahn Chah. A teacher’s presence can bring forth a lot in people. They recognize the potential for strength that is there for all of us and help us develop pāramī.
Cittaviveka Cittaviveka Buddhist Monastery Winter Retreat 2020

2020-01-16 04 meditation: body scan and mindfulness of breathing 25:12
Jill Shepherd
Beginning with a body scan inviting tension to soften and relax, then bringing awareness to the breath, starting with the simple knowing of breathing in and breathing out
Blue Mountains Insight Meditation Centre New Year, New Beginnings

2020-01-16 03 instructions: sati and samadhi 14:15
Jill Shepherd
A short exploration of mindfulness (sati) in the context of insight meditation, and how it is supported by clear comprehension (sampajanno) and stability of mind or non-distractability (samadhi)
Blue Mountains Insight Meditation Centre New Year, New Beginnings

2020-01-15 Meditation: Coming Home with the Breath 20:34
Tara Brach
This guided practice has a short period of relaxing the body, and establishes the breath as a home base for attention. We practice arriving again and again, deepening the pathway of homecoming. The meditation ends with lovingkindness for ourselves and our world.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC

2020-01-15 Shifting from Limbic to Liberating Itention 48:32
Tara Brach
Becoming conscious of our intentions is the first step to truly aligning our life with our heart. This talk explores identifying when we are being driven by grasping and fear, and ways we can bring compassion to unmet needs and discover the deeper longing – the liberating intention – that guides us to freedom.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC

2020-01-15 Compassion, Community-Metta (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 52:15
Beth Sternlieb
"One who loves has the key to unlock the door to ultimate reality: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center January Metta Retreat

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