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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Mark Coleman's Dharma Talks
Mark Coleman
Mark Coleman has been engaged in meditation practice since 1981, primarily within the Insight meditation tradition. He has been teaching meditation retreats since 1997. His teaching is also influenced by his studies with Advaita Vedanta and Tibetan teachers in Asia and the West, and through his teacher training with Jack Kornfield. Mark primarily teaches at Spirit Rock Meditation Center in California, though he also teaches nationally, in Europe and India.
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2021-02-21 Nature of Awareness 58:49
Morning Sit
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Natural Radiance: Exploring the Liberating Nature of Awareness with Mark Coleman, MA and Devon Hase
2021-02-20 Awareness Practice 57:11
Morning Sit
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Natural Radiance: Exploring the Liberating Nature of Awareness with Mark Coleman, MA and Devon Hase
2021-02-19 The Mystery and Magic of Awareness 64:04
Dharma Talk
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Natural Radiance: Exploring the Liberating Nature of Awareness with Mark Coleman, MA and Devon Hase
2021-02-19 Open Awareness meditation 45:10
Morning Sit
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Natural Radiance: Exploring the Liberating Nature of Awareness with Mark Coleman, MA and Devon Hase
2020-11-20 Freedom From the Inner Critic: Using the Tools of Wisdom and Compassion 4:07:37
Do you experience the painful effects of self-judgment, or hurt from your mind's harsh attacks on yourself? If you wish to be free from the torment of the inner critic, then this day is for you. During our time together, you will learn to work with self-judgment with clarity and skill and develop greater self-acceptance, self-compassion and forgiveness as antidotes to criticism. The day will include a combination of talks and interactive exercises, mindfulness and kindness techniques. This will be a practical and experiential day retreat, taught with lightness, compassion and humor and the need to not take ourselves too seriously!
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2020-06-13 Nature Radiance: The Freedom of Awareness 3:39:38
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2020-01-27 Monday Night Dharma Talk 65:18
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2019-12-06 Freedom from the Inner Critic 6:10:26
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2019-12-02 Monday Night Dharma Talk 64:30
Spirit Rock Meditation Center
2019-11-11 Monday Night Dharma Talk 1:54:28
Spirit Rock Meditation Center

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