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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Mark Coleman's Dharma Talks
Mark Coleman
Mark Coleman has been engaged in meditation practice since 1981, primarily within the Insight meditation tradition. He has been teaching meditation retreats since 1997. His teaching is also influenced by his studies with Advaita Vedanta and Tibetan teachers in Asia and the West, and through his teacher training with Jack Kornfield. Mark primarily teaches at Spirit Rock Meditation Center in California, though he also teaches nationally, in Europe and India.
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2024-03-03 Your Brain Isn't Broken, Part 2 32:09
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Your Brain Isn't Broken: Meeting ADHD with Mindfulness, Wisdom, and Compassion
2024-03-03 Your Brain Isn't Broken, Part 1 57:34
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Your Brain Isn't Broken: Meeting ADHD with Mindfulness, Wisdom, and Compassion
2024-02-12 Reflections on the Inner Critic 1:34:51
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday Night Live with Mark Coleman
2023-11-27 From Nature to Dharma, To Dharma Nature 1:33:34
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks
2023-07-07 Closing/ Home practice talk 26:28
with Mark Coleman, Robin Craig
Vallecitos Mountain Retreat Center
2023-07-07 Meeting the eco-crisis with wisdom 37:46
How does the earth wish to move through you? How to inquire deeply into wise responsiveness to the eco- reality.
Vallecitos Mountain Retreat Center
2023-07-06 Self, Not Self---explaining our inter-dependence in nature 49:46
Being mindful in nature helps reveal how inter-dependent we are wit all life and provides conditions to see through the constructed, separate self.
Vallecitos Mountain Retreat Center
2023-07-03 The Fruits of Nature Meditation Practice 52:19
Vallecitos Mountain Retreat Center
2023-06-02 Awakening in Nature through Insight into Interconnection and Anata (Not-self) (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 55:41
Nature teaches us so many things about the nature of reality, including how profoundly interconnected and interdependent we are with all life. By sensing this directly, it profoundly shifts and dissolves belief in the reality of a separate, independent self.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Awake in the Wild
2023-05-22 Inner Joy on the Path 1:26:50
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

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