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gift of the teachings
Rob Burbea's Dharma Talks
Rob Burbea
ROB BURBEA (1965-2020) was Gaia House’s much-loved resident teacher for 10 years from 2005 - 2015, when he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. During his time at Gaia House, Rob wrote Seeing that Frees: Meditations on Emptiness and Dependent Arising – an important and influential work that continues to shape and open the meditative exploration of many. Emerging from this deep experiential understanding of emptiness, Rob dedicated much of his time and energy during the last years of his life to conceiving, developing, and establishing a new body of teachings that he called ‘A Soulmaking Dharma’. Before his death, Rob initiated the Hermes Amara Foundation (HAF), an organisation that is working to preserve and develop Rob's vast Dharma teaching legacy, and to support practitioners and teachers who are engaged with these teachings. All donations go directly to HAF - your financial support is much needed if Rob’s legacy is to sustain and thrive. To join the HAF mailing list and find out more about Rob's work please go to or get in touch at Rob was also a guiding teacher of Freely Given Retreats (, a co-founder of Sanghaseva, an organisation exploring the Dharma through international service work ( and a co-initiator of DANCE, the Dharma Action Network for Climate Engagement (
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2008-08-09 First Morning Instructions and Guided Meditation 43:58
As we learn to develop concentration in meditation, samatha (calm, tranquility) is also developed, and together these qualities become a powerful means for deep insight and a source of profound well-being. This progressive series of talks, guided meditations and instructions explores in some detail the art of concentration, primarily through different ways of working with the breath and the body to open to deeper and deeper levels of calmness, presence and joy.
Gaia House The Art Of Concentration (Samatha Meditation)
2008-08-08 Talk One: Introduction to the Art of Concentration (Samatha Meditation) 45:03
As we learn to develop concentration in meditation, samatha (calm, tranquility) is also developed, and together these qualities become a powerful means for deep insight and a source of profound well-being. This progressive series of talks, guided meditations and instructions explores in some detail the art of concentration, primarily through different ways of working with the breath and the body to open to deeper and deeper levels of calmness, presence and joy.
Gaia House The Art Of Concentration (Samatha Meditation)
2008-06-24 Nirvana and Transcendence 65:01
Is this it? Or has transcendence gone out of fashion? An exploration of the Buddha's radical teachings on transcendence and their implications for our practices and for our lives.
Gaia House Tuesday Evening Talks
2008-03-08 Awakening 1:11:34
The Realization of Awakening is absolutely central to the Buddha's Teaching, and yet it has come to have so many different meanings, or none at all. What is our relationship to the idea of Enlightenment or Awakening? How does that affect our life and practice? Can we explore the views, assumptions and emotions surrounding it? And is a radical Awakening possible for us?
Gaia House A Work Retreat: Working And Awakening
2008-03-07 Death 63:39
A free and honest life includes the very real awareness of death. If we can find the courage to deliberately contemplate death, to keep it in mind, this can open our life in a profound way to a nobility, urgency, purposefulness and beauty. The heart grows in compassion and moves toward the Deathless.
Gaia House A Work Retreat: Working And Awakening
2008-03-07 Love/The Difficulties of Love 67:04
This talk begins to explore some of the challenges and difficulties we can sometimes encounter with regard to love. It also examines some possible beliefs and attitudes we may hold around love and particularly romantic love in our lives.
Gaia House A Work Retreat: Working And Awakening
2008-03-05 Opening Talk for Work Retreat - Working and Awakening 37:03
Opening talk for a retreat that looks at how we may create artificial divisions between what seems 'sacred' and what seems 'worldly'; between 'retreat life' and 'everyday life', 'meditation' and work' and so seek transformation through only a small part of our lives. In opening to a profound wisdom that sees beyond such dualities, we can come to know an authentic freedom that is truly boundless.
Gaia House A Work Retreat: Working And Awakening
2008-02-12 The Birth of a Bodhisattva 1:13:46
This series of talks and guided meditations explores the development of the practices of both Lovingkindness and Compassion, with particular emphasis on the radical possibilities of Awakening that they bring. Through these practices we come to develop deep and beautiful qualities of heart as a real resource both for ourselves and the world, and also open ourselves to the profound and liberating understandings that can emerge from this path of love.
Gaia House Lovingkindness And Compassion As A Path To Awakening (2008)
2008-02-10 Love and the Emptiness of Things 1:30:39
This series of talks and guided meditations explores the development of the practices of both Lovingkindness and Compassion, with particular emphasis on the radical possibilities of Awakening that they bring. Through these practices we come to develop deep and beautiful qualities of heart as a real resource both for ourselves and the world, and also open ourselves to the profound and liberating understandings that can emerge from this path of love.
Gaia House Lovingkindness And Compassion As A Path To Awakening (2008)
2008-02-10 Guided Meditation - Directing Love Towards dharmas 38:49
This series of talks and guided meditations explores the development of the practices of both Lovingkindness and Compassion, with particular emphasis on the radical possibilities of Awakening that they bring. Through these practices we come to develop deep and beautiful qualities of heart as a real resource both for ourselves and the world, and also open ourselves to the profound and liberating understandings that can emerge from this path of love.
Gaia House Lovingkindness And Compassion As A Path To Awakening (2008)
2008-02-09 Guided Meditation on Gratitude and Compassion 47:40
This series of talks and guided meditations explores the development of the practices of both Lovingkindness and Compassion, with particular emphasis on the radical possibilities of Awakening that they bring. Through these practices we come to develop deep and beautiful qualities of heart as a real resource both for ourselves and the world, and also open ourselves to the profound and liberating understandings that can emerge from this path of love.
Gaia House Lovingkindness And Compassion As A Path To Awakening (2008)
2008-02-05 Compassion Part Two (Compassion for Ourselves) 18:19
This series of talks and guided meditations explores the development of the practices of both Lovingkindness and Compassion, with particular emphasis on the radical possibilities of Awakening that they bring. Through these practices we come to develop deep and beautiful qualities of heart as a real resource both for ourselves and the world, and also open ourselves to the profound and liberating understandings that can emerge from this path of love.
Gaia House Lovingkindness And Compassion As A Path To Awakening (2008)
2008-02-04 Compassion 69:55
This series of talks and guided meditations explores the development of the practices of both Lovingkindness and Compassion, with particular emphasis on the radical possibilities of Awakening that they bring. Through these practices we come to develop deep and beautiful qualities of heart as a real resource both for ourselves and the world, and also open ourselves to the profound and liberating understandings that can emerge from this path of love.
Gaia House Lovingkindness And Compassion As A Path To Awakening (2008)
2008-02-02 Using Insight To Deepen Love and Compassion 1:49:51
This series of talks and guided meditations explores the development of the practices of both Lovingkindness and Compassion, with particular emphasis on the radical possibilities of Awakening that they bring. Through these practices we come to develop deep and beautiful qualities of heart as a real resource both for ourselves and the world, and also open ourselves to the profound and liberating understandings that can emerge from this path of love.
Gaia House Lovingkindness And Compassion As A Path To Awakening (2008)
2008-01-30 Exploring the World of Loving Kindness 1:11:25
This series of talks and guided meditations explores the development of the practices of both Lovingkindness and Compassion, with particular emphasis on the radical possibilities of Awakening that they bring. Through these practices we come to develop deep and beautiful qualities of heart as a real resource both for ourselves and the world, and also open ourselves to the profound and liberating understandings that can emerge from this path of love.
Gaia House Lovingkindness And Compassion As A Path To Awakening (2008)
2008-01-29 The Place of Samadhi in Metta Practice 1:26:04
This series of talks and guided meditations explores the development of the practices of both Lovingkindness and Compassion, with particular emphasis on the radical possibilities of Awakening that they bring. Through these practices we come to develop deep and beautiful qualities of heart as a real resource both for ourselves and the world, and also open ourselves to the profound and liberating understandings that can emerge from this path of love.
Gaia House Lovingkindness And Compassion As A Path To Awakening (2008)
2007-12-31 Joy 65:12
The Buddha placed great emphasis on joy (mudita) and Happiness (sukkha) as part of the path. This talk explores the place of these beautiful and precious qualities in our practice, and life. What are the foundations of happiness? What is it that allows the heart to open to joy?
Gaia House The New Years Retreat Insight Meditation
2007-12-29 What is Insight? 59:58
This talk presents a map and overview of the path of Insight Meditation, exploring the different kinds and levels of insight available to us, the possible avenues for its development and deepening, and some of the many ways we can nurture and strengthen its unfolding.
Gaia House The New Years Retreat Insight Meditation
2007-11-24 Time and the Emptiness of Time 56:55
Time is one of the fundamental aspects of existence we usually take for granted, leaving its seeming ‘reality’ unquestioned. But Dharma practice and inquiry can puncture and shatter our belief in the real independent existence of time – both the past/future and the present/the ‘Now’, and, in so doing, open awareness up to a truly inconceivable and immeasurable liberation.
Gaia House Solitary Month Retreat
2007-11-17 Into the Depths of Silence 59:40
Gaia House Solitary Month Retreat
2007-11-08 A Question of Faith 60:10
A probing exploration of the movements of faith in our practice. Whether we are conscious of it or not, we are always placing our faith somewhere. What do we have faith in? What shapes our sense of limitation or possibility? And how do faith and confidence deepen?
Gaia House Solitary Month Retreat
2007-11-03 "A Body At Peace With Itself" 58:18
Gaia House Solitary Month Retreat
2007-09-20 The Self and the World 54:27
Gaia House Deepening in Wisdom
2007-09-17 Ocean of Patience 55:22
Gaia House Deepening in Wisdom
2007-07-16 Freedom From Fear And Anxiety 56:55
This talk explores in detail the tools and approaches we can develop to work skillfully with fear in our lives, both those fears that are obvious and those that are more hidden. There is a genuine possibility of liberation from the power that fear seems to have to constrict us
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Path of Liberation
2007-04-02 Jhana Practice 1:12:31
Gaia House Samatha Meditation
2007-04-02 Third Samatha Instructions and Guided Meditation 48:12
Gaia House Samatha Meditation
2007-04-01 Developing Samatha/Concentration 65:49
Gaia House Samatha Meditation
2007-04-01 Second Samatha Instructions and Guided Meditation 42:04
Gaia House Samatha Meditation
2007-03-31 Working with the Hindrances 61:04
Gaia House Samatha Meditation
2007-03-31 First Samatha Instructions and Guided Meditation on the Breath 42:54
Gaia House Samatha Meditation
2007-03-30 Samatha (Concentration Practice) - Introductory Talk 40:00
Gaia House Samatha Meditation
2007-03-17 God and the Ultimate Truth 57:49
Gaia House Working and Awakening - A Work Retreat
2007-03-16 Passion, Desire, and the Path 62:22
Often in spiritual traditions desire is seen simply as something to rid ourselves of, but there is a very important place for it on the path. We need passion. And we need both to understand desire and to know freedom from desire.
Gaia House Working and Awakening - A Work Retreat
2007-03-15 Home and Homelessness 57:01
Gaia House Working and Awakening - A Work Retreat
2007-02-08 Equanimity in Compassion 1:13:36
This series of talks and guided meditations explores the development of the practices of both Lovingkindness and Compassion, with particular emphasis on the radical possibilities of Awakening that they bring. Through these practices we come to develop deep and beautiful qualities of heart as a real resource both for ourselves and the world, and also open ourselves to the profound and liberating understandings that can emerge from this path of love.
Gaia House Loving Kindness and Compassion as a Path to Awakening (2007)
2007-02-04 Love and Emptiness 1:22:52
This series of talks and guided meditations explores the development of the practices of both Lovingkindness and Compassion, with particular emphasis on the radical possibilities of Awakening that they bring. Through these practices we come to develop deep and beautiful qualities of heart as a real resource both for ourselves and the world, and also open ourselves to the profound and liberating understandings that can emerge from this path of love.
Gaia House Loving Kindness and Compassion as a Path to Awakening (2007)
2007-02-04 Guided Meditation: Metta to phenomena 34:58
This series of talks and guided meditations explores the development of the practices of both Lovingkindness and Compassion, with particular emphasis on the radical possibilities of Awakening that they bring. Through these practices we come to develop deep and beautiful qualities of heart as a real resource both for ourselves and the world, and also open ourselves to the profound and liberating understandings that can emerge from this path of love.
Gaia House Loving Kindness and Compassion as a Path to Awakening (2007)
2007-02-01 The Practice of Compassion 1:25:46
This series of talks and guided meditations explores the development of the practices of both Lovingkindness and Compassion, with particular emphasis on the radical possibilities of Awakening that they bring. Through these practices we come to develop deep and beautiful qualities of heart as a real resource both for ourselves and the world, and also open ourselves to the profound and liberating understandings that can emerge from this path of love.
Gaia House Loving Kindness and Compassion as a Path to Awakening (2007)
2007-01-27 From Insight to Love 1:19:07
This series of talks and guided meditations explores the development of the practices of both Lovingkindness and Compassion, with particular emphasis on the radical possibilities of Awakening that they bring. Through these practices we come to develop deep and beautiful qualities of heart as a real resource both for ourselves and the world, and also open ourselves to the profound and liberating understandings that can emerge from this path of love.
Gaia House Loving Kindness and Compassion as a Path to Awakening (2007)
2007-01-25 Expressions of Metta 66:46
This series of talks and guided meditations explores the development of the practices of both Lovingkindness and Compassion, with particular emphasis on the radical possibilities of Awakening that they bring. Through these practices we come to develop deep and beautiful qualities of heart as a real resource both for ourselves and the world, and also open ourselves to the profound and liberating understandings that can emerge from this path of love.
Gaia House Loving Kindness and Compassion as a Path to Awakening (2007)
2007-01-22 Samadhi in Metta Practice 67:03
This series of talks and guided meditations explores the development of the practices of both Lovingkindness and Compassion, with particular emphasis on the radical possibilities of Awakening that they bring. Through these practices we come to develop deep and beautiful qualities of heart as a real resource both for ourselves and the world, and also open ourselves to the profound and liberating understandings that can emerge from this path of love.
Gaia House Loving Kindness and Compassion as a Path to Awakening (2007)
2006-12-31 Views In Practice (...They make all the difference) 56:58
Gaia House New Year's Retreat
2006-12-28 Equanimity 54:28
Gaia House New Year's Retreat
2006-11-22 The Nature of Awareness 52:33
Realising the Nature of Mind, of Consciousness, of 'That Which Knows', brings a profound liberation to life. This talk explores an investigation into Awareness itself.
Gaia House Solitary Month
2006-11-16 Emotional Healing 61:58
Gaia House Solitary Month
2006-11-07 Samadhi 63:51
Gaia House Solitary Month
2006-11-04 From Feelings to Freedom (Exploring Vedana) 51:55
Gaia House Solitary Month
2006-10-17 Letting Go of Judgement 55:19
Gaia House Tuesday Night Series
2006-04-23 Aspects of Mindfulness (Part 2) 63:40
Gaia House One Day Retreat
2006-04-23 Aspects of Mindfulness (Part 1) 27:24
Gaia House One Day Retreat
2006-02-11 Beyond the Prison of the Self 52:36
Gaia House Working and Awakening - A Work Retreat
2006-02-09 Renunciation and Joy 54:27
Renunciation is a central ingredient of the path to Awakening and is intimately connected with our heart's capacity for deep joy, wonder, openness and freedom. What might it mean for us in our lives?
Gaia House Working and Awakening - A Work Retreat
2005-12-29 The Place of Love in Insight Meditation 47:31
Gaia House New Year's Retreat
2005-12-17 The Art of Letting Go 56:13
Gaia House The Art of Letting Go - Insight Meditation
2005-11-22 Compassion and Emptiness 55:26
Gaia House November Solitary
2005-11-16 Contemplating The 3 Characteristics (Pt 2) - Anatta (Not-Self) 56:21
Gaia House November Solitary
2005-11-12 Contemplating The 3 Characteristics (Pt 1) - Impermanence and Dukkha 53:39
Gaia House November Solitary
2005-11-05 Mindfulness of Mind States 47:39
Gaia House November Solitary

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