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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Bob Stahl's Dharma Talks
Bob Stahl
Is a long-time practitioner of insight meditation, lived in a Buddhist monastery for over eight years. He has a PhD in Philosophy and Religion with a specialization in Buddhist Studies, and now directs Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction programs in six Bay Area medical centers. Bob studied with the renowned Burmese masters Taungpulu Kaba-Aye Sayadaw, Hlaing Tet Sayadaw, Dr. Rina Sircar and Pokokhu Sayadaw, and has experience with 32 parts of the body, 4 elements and charnel ground meditations. Bob has completed training with Jon Kabat-Zinn and is a certified mindfulness-based stress reduction teacher having been certified by UMass Medical Center.
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2011-08-22 Heart Meditation 36:46
Insight Santa Cruz Insight Meditation Retreat in Germany
2011-08-22 Meditation Instruction on Feeling Tones 45:40
Insight Santa Cruz Insight Meditation Retreat in Germany
2011-08-22 Roosters, Learnings from the Monastery 48:40
Insight Santa Cruz Insight Meditation Retreat in Germany
2011-08-21 Learnings & Blessings 47:18
Insight Santa Cruz Insight Meditation Retreat in Germany
2011-08-21 Metta Meditation 32:59
Insight Santa Cruz Insight Meditation Retreat in Germany
2011-08-20 Buddha's Awakening 65:32
Insight Santa Cruz Insight Meditation Retreat in Germany
2011-05-29 Retreat Day 4 59:35
Insight Santa Cruz
2011-05-18 The reason Why We Steady The Mind To Open To Insight 62:16
The heart and essence of the Dharma is to realize the four noble truths and the characteristics of existence. How we realize this is by walking along the eight fold path.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Steadying the Mind, Opening to Insight
2011-05-16 How To Work With Distractions As Practice 64:12
Developing steadiness or undistractability of mind involves working and engaging with what is distracting you. Developing insight and a lighter heart.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Steadying the Mind, Opening to Insight
2011-05-14 First Day Jitters and Hopes 54:31
This talk is about addressing the first day of a week of intensive meditation practice. Exploration and instructions on working with challenges around gathering inspiration to deepen practice.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Steadying the Mind, Opening to Insight

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