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gift of the teachings
Bob Stahl's Dharma Talks
Bob Stahl
Is a long-time practitioner of insight meditation, lived in a Buddhist monastery for over eight years. He has a PhD in Philosophy and Religion with a specialization in Buddhist Studies, and now directs Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction programs in six Bay Area medical centers. Bob studied with the renowned Burmese masters Taungpulu Kaba-Aye Sayadaw, Hlaing Tet Sayadaw, Dr. Rina Sircar and Pokokhu Sayadaw, and has experience with 32 parts of the body, 4 elements and charnel ground meditations. Bob has completed training with Jon Kabat-Zinn and is a certified mindfulness-based stress reduction teacher having been certified by UMass Medical Center.
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2010-01-31 Guided Meditation on Heart, Liver, Diaphragm, Spleen, Lungs 41:34
This is a guided meditation on the 32 Parts of the Body beginning with Heart, Liver, Diaphragm, Spleen, Lungs. The practice involves reciting the parts verbally and then mentally and to know the color, shape, location, direction, delimitation, as well as the definition and function of each part. The methodical practice of the 32 Parts of the Body Meditation can help the meditator understand the true nature of the body and no self.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Uncovering the First Foundation of Mindfulness: Insight Meditation Retreat
2010-01-31 Guided Meditation on Head hair, Body Hairs, Nails, Teeth, Skin 34:46
This is a guided meditation on the 32 Parts of the Body beginning with Head hair, Body Hairs, Nails, Teeth, Skin. The practice involves reciting the parts verbally and then mentally and to know the color, shape, location, direction, delimitation, as well as the definition and function of each part. The methodical practice of the 32 Parts of the Body Meditation can help the meditator understand the true nature of the body and no self.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Uncovering the First Foundation of Mindfulness: Insight Meditation Retreat
2010-01-30 32 Parts of the Body 56:34
Brief overview of Siddhartha becoming a Buddha. What he realized - 4 Noble Truths and 3 characteristics of existence with foundations of mindfulness to the 32 parts of the body.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Uncovering the First Foundation of Mindfulness: Insight Meditation Retreat
2009-09-29 The Journey of the Heart 57:16
Going home to the heart. Where is our true home? Why I love the dhamma so much!
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Standing firm in that which you are: Mindfulness of the body
2009-09-27 Turning into the Skid 50:13
Whatever you flee from will pursue you... Whatever you welcome will transform you.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Standing firm in that which you are: Mindfulness of the body
2009-09-25 32 Parts of the Body 51:22
The Journey of the Body. The Buddha's practice on the 32 Parts of the Body Meditation.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Standing firm in that which you are: Mindfulness of the body
2009-05-23 Journey 55:38
Insight Santa Cruz
2009-01-23 Turning Into The Skid 60:06
Waking up to aging, illness and death. Turning into emotional pain. How to grow a meditation practice that holds it all.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Essential Dharma
2008-10-04 32 Parts Of The Body And The Heart Of The Buddha's Feelings 65:28
Further elaboration on the 32 parts of the body. The Buddh's story and 4 Noble Truths and the worm song of death
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Standing Firm in That Which You Are: Mindfulness of the Body
2008-10-02 The Path Within 32 Parts Of The Body 62:16
This is a retreat talk on the journey of awakening, the challenges that come up in practice and the potentials for experiencing freedom. There is also a talk on the 32 parts of the body meditations, the practice, the history and its benefits.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Standing Firm in That Which You Are: Mindfulness of the Body

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