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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Brian Lesage's Dharma Talks
Brian Lesage
Brian Lesage has practiced Buddhist meditation since 1988 and has taught meditation since 2000. He has studied in the Zen, Theravada and Tibetan schools of Buddhism. He was ordained in the Rinzai Zen tradition in 1996. His training in Vipassana Meditation includes doing extended meditation retreats in Myanmar (Burma), Nepal, and India as well as numerous retreats in the U.S. He leads retreats and teaches meditation courses nationwide.
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2021-07-16 Getting Practical about Practice 33:41
Albuquerque Vipassana Sangha
2021-07-12 Coming Together Again as Community: Sangha and Place 28:09
Flagstaff Insight Meditation Community FIMC Monday Night Talks
2021-06-16 Preliminary Experiential Tastes of Emptiness 46:12
Mountain Hermitage Finding Freedom through Insight Meditation
2021-06-16 Being Somebody and Being Nobody 45:20
Mountain Hermitage Finding Freedom through Insight Meditation
2021-06-16 Appreciative Joy 37:28
This talk offers reflections on Appreciative Joy followed by a guided meditation
Mountain Hermitage Finding Freedom through Insight Meditation
2021-06-15 Freeing Our Hearts through Forgiveness 37:56
This talk offers reflections on the practice of forgiveness as well as a guided meditation on Forgiveness.
Mountain Hermitage Finding Freedom through Insight Meditation
2021-06-14 Equanimity 38:55
Mountain Hermitage Finding Freedom through Insight Meditation
2021-06-12 Receiving Kindness 33:02
This talk offers a description of the practice of receiving kindness as well as giving a brief introduction to the Brahma Viharas. It ends with a guided meditation on receiving kindness.
Mountain Hermitage Finding Freedom through Insight Meditation
2021-06-08 Dharma Practice as Artistic Endeavor 28:53
Flagstaff Insight Meditation Community FIMC Monday Night Talks
2021-06-01 The Dharma and Memorial Day 30:42
Flagstaff Insight Meditation Community FIMC Monday Night Talks

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