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gift of the teachings
Ayya Santussika's Dharma Talks
Ayya Santussika
Ayya Santussika, in residence at Karuna Buddhist Vihara (Compassion Monastery), spent five years as an anagarika (eight-precept nun), then ordained as a samaneri (ten-precept nun) in 2010 and as a bhikkhuni (311 rules) in 2012 at Dharma Vijaya Buddhist Vihara in Los Angeles.
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2024-03-31 Nekkhama Within Intention 58:00
This Part 1 dhamma talk for the Daylong Retreat and Q&A was offered on the 30th of March, 2024 for “How do I apply the Dhamma to THIS!?!”
Karuna Buddhist Vihara
2024-03-30 Nekkhama in the Material World 57:02
This Daylong Retreat Part 2 dhamma talk and Q&A was offered on the 30th of March, 2024 for “How do I apply the Dhamma to THIS!?!”
Karuna Buddhist Vihara
2024-03-30 Nekkhama and the Elements of Escape 56:20
This Daylong Retreat part 3 dhamma talk and Q&A was offered on the 30th of March, 2024 for “How do I apply the Dhamma to THIS!?!”
Karuna Buddhist Vihara
2024-03-24 Patience—Developing the Pāramīs as a Way to Work with Aversion | Ayya Santussikā 66:05
This dhamma talk, guided meditation, and Q&A was offered on March 23, 2024 for “How do I apply the Dhamma to THIS!?!” *Please note, some participant questions have been omitted from the Q&A portion of the recording, however Ayya Satussikā's answers to their questions have remained.
Karuna Buddhist Vihara
2024-03-16 What Would the Buddha Say? Peaceful Communication Skills for Difficult Times Part 3 49:23
Karuna Buddhist Vihara
2024-03-16 What Would the Buddha Say? Peaceful Communication Skills for Difficult Times Part 2 55:58
Some of the hardest times to come up with the right words and the right attitude are when the topic at hand is really hot. Maybe it is when we feel there is something very important at stake. Maybe it is when something seems very wrong in the world: war, political strife, corruption, injustice. How can we use Right Speech in such circumstances? How can we express ourselves in ways that are truthful but do not widen the divide. How can we promote peace and mutual respect? How can we relate to others with very different views and values with honesty and skill? These are some of the areas we will explore, working with personal as well as societal examples. And, we will base our conversation on the Buddha's words and advice.
Karuna Buddhist Vihara
2024-03-16 What Would the Buddha Say? Peaceful Communication Skills for Difficult Times Part 1 1:21:52
Some of the hardest times to come up with the right words and the right attitude are when the topic at hand is really hot. Maybe it is when we feel there is something very important at stake. Maybe it is when something seems very wrong in the world: war, political strife, corruption, injustice. How can we use Right Speech in such circumstances? How can we express ourselves in ways that are truthful but do not widen the divide. How can we promote peace and mutual respect? How can we relate to others with very different views and values with honesty and skill? These are some of the areas we will explore, working with personal as well as societal examples. And, we will base our conversation on the Buddha's words and advice.
Karuna Buddhist Vihara
2024-03-09 The Strength & Power of Our Intentions and Actions 61:56
This dhamma talk and Q&A was offered on March 9, 2024 for “How do I apply the Dhamma to THIS!?!”
Karuna Buddhist Vihara
2024-03-02 Staying Balanced With the Help of Our Friends 1:17:39
Karuna Buddhist Vihara
2024-02-25 Changing - Part One 1:30:22
Karuna Buddhist Vihara

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