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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
John Martin's Dharma Talks
John Martin
John Martin teaches Vipassana (Insight) and Metta (Loving Kindness) meditation retreats. He leads an on-going weekly Monday evening meditation group in San Francisco, and an Advanced Practitioners Program group. He serves as Co-Chair of the Guiding Teachers Committee for Spirit Rock, and serves on the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors. John is also the co-guiding teacher for the LGBTQueer Sangha at the Insight Meditation Center in Redwood City.
2024-02-22 The Six Sense Spheres (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 48:02
Includes a reading of the Bahiya Sutta.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center February Insight Meditation Retreat--1 Month
2024-02-15 Seven Factors of Awakening (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 52:04
Spirit Rock Meditation Center February Insight Meditation Retreat--1 Month
2024-02-11 Wholesome Mind States (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 59:34
Spirit Rock Meditation Center February Insight Meditation Retreat--1 Month
2024-02-07 The Hindrances of Sense Desire & Ill-Will (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 47:43
Spirit Rock Meditation Center February Insight Meditation Retreat--1 Month
2023-08-27 Brahmaviharas for All Beings (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 41:29
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Summer Insight Meditation Retreat
2023-08-25 Letting Go of Attachments-Brings Happiness (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 47:38
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Summer Insight Meditation Retreat
2023-08-23 Guided Meditation: Hearing, Sensing, Breathing-Aware of Arising & Passing (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 50:55
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Summer Insight Meditation Retreat
2023-08-19 Metta Instructions for All Beings (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 54:48
with John Martin, Rebecca Bradshaw
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Summer Metta Retreat
2023-08-18 Brahmavihārās, Coming into Harmony (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 49:00
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Summer Metta Retreat
2023-08-15 Metta Instructions and Guided Meditation: Easy Being (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 47:39
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Summer Metta Retreat

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