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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Eugene Cash's Dharma Talks
Eugene Cash
I am intrigued by how we can live the 'holy life' as lay people. How do we erase the imaginary line between formal sitting practice and the rest of our lives? How can we bring full engagement to formal and informal practice? Is it possible to embody, in our lives, the understanding and insight that comes with intensive training? And can we live our lives in a way that expresses and continues to deepen our realization? These questions fuel my practice and my teaching.
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2023-10-11 Morning sit with instruction (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 59:37
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Fall Insight 2023
2023-10-10 This Is It! The Simplicity of This Moment: Evening Dharma Talk (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 51:56
Exploring our relationship to the living moment. Openings, reactions and illuminations with the magic and mystery of Being Here.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Fall Insight 2023
2023-10-09 Brahmavihara Practice 46:16
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Fall Insight 2023
2023-10-08 Morning sit with instruction (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 69:49
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Fall Insight 2023
2023-10-04 Living, Dying & Letting Go (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 55:29
Buddhist teachings on Death & Letting Go – Highlighting the sutta: Advice to Anathapindika. Appreciating his dying gift to us across time and space.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Maranasati: Mindful of Death, Awakening to Life
2023-09-17 Nibbana Sacred Transition Now & Ongoing 31:16
Exploring our live reality of waking up to change & discovery
San Francisco Insight Meditation Community SFI Sunday Nights
2023-08-13 Living & Dying: Remembering Wes ‘Scoop’ Nisker: Friend, Colleague, Teacher— Died Aug 3 2023 31:51
“If you don’t like the news, go out and make some of your own.” — Wes Nisker
San Francisco Insight Meditation Community SFI Sunday Nights
2023-07-16 Sampajañña: Clear Comprehension, Introspection, Full Awareness 29:03
The support and functionality of Clarity and Mindfulness
San Francisco Insight Meditation Community SFI Sunday Nights
2023-06-18 Our Lineage and Love of Dharma 37:59
with Eugene Cash, Howard Cohn
The gift of truth is the most precious gift. The taste of truth is the sweetest taste. The Love of truth is the greatest love. Buddha (*Dharma means Truth)
San Francisco Insight Meditation Community SFI Sunday Nights
2023-04-30 The 2nd Factor of Awakening: Investigation & Inquiry 40:06
Exploring the dynamism of dharma as we discover the potential for freedom here, in body, heart & mind.
San Francisco Insight Meditation Community SFI Sunday Nights

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