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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Eugene Cash's Dharma Talks
Eugene Cash
I am intrigued by how we can live the 'holy life' as lay people. How do we erase the imaginary line between formal sitting practice and the rest of our lives? How can we bring full engagement to formal and informal practice? Is it possible to embody, in our lives, the understanding and insight that comes with intensive training? And can we live our lives in a way that expresses and continues to deepen our realization? These questions fuel my practice and my teaching.
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2022-09-14 Meditation is Good! (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 54:28
As we practice we see each moment is Good whether whatever it is. We recognize the Goodness of each moment, the Goodness of being alive, the Goodness of Discover the truth and the Goodness of awakening to freedom. The whole dharma is sitting right here and it is Good!
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Mindfulness for Everyone: The Basics and Beyond
2022-09-11 Contemplating 9/11/2001 1:30:22
San Francisco Insight Meditation Community SFI Sunday Nights
2022-09-04 Loving this Moment 1:31:34
San Francisco Insight Meditation Community SFI Sunday Nights
2022-08-27 Loving This Moment (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 55:50
This is the only moment there is! This is your life Now! What happens if you give yourself to that truth? What happens is we let go of everything else except Being here right now. We discover the magic of reality revealing itself in this moment. To love the moment includes all the variants of love: liking, appreciating, caring for, wondering about, become enthralled or magnetized by, curious about & illuminated by Now.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Loving Awareness: Meeting Reality with Wisdom and Kindness
2022-08-14 Wisdom and Ignorance: Alex Jones, Donald Trump & Angulimala 1:30:29
San Francisco Insight Meditation Community SFI Sunday Nights
2022-07-24 Right Action in Response to Life 1:32:43
San Francisco Insight Meditation Community SFI Sunday Nights
2022-07-17 Courage, Here and Now 1:32:44
San Francisco Insight Meditation Community SFI Sunday Nights
2022-06-12 The Truth Will Set You Free 1:33:45
San Francisco Insight Meditation Community SFI Sunday Nights
2022-06-07 Loving the Dharma (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 53:12
Exploring the role of love as part of practice. Following our hearts to awaken what is true. Utilizing the devotional skill of loving the present moment and giving our hearts to respond skillful in each sitting and in out lives.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Investigation and Inquiry into the Dharma
2022-06-04 Satipatthana & Awareness 49:38
How the simple practice of being aware, develops and deepens leading to awareness. This brings forth the maturity of Awakening characterized by abiding in the Presence of Sati/Awareness.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Investigation and Inquiry into the Dharma

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