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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Eugene Cash's Dharma Talks
Eugene Cash
I am intrigued by how we can live the 'holy life' as lay people. How do we erase the imaginary line between formal sitting practice and the rest of our lives? How can we bring full engagement to formal and informal practice? Is it possible to embody, in our lives, the understanding and insight that comes with intensive training? And can we live our lives in a way that expresses and continues to deepen our realization? These questions fuel my practice and my teaching.
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2021-05-23 Exploring the Dharma: Surprise, Discovery, Mystery 1:30:44
San Francisco Insight Meditation Community SFI Sunday Nights
2021-05-09 Unhardening the Heart 1:30:32
San Francisco Insight Meditation Community SFI Sunday Nights
2021-04-25 Grounded Responsibility 1:29:47
San Francisco Insight Meditation Community SFI Sunday Nights
2021-04-11 Anger and Clarity 1:30:50
San Francisco Insight Meditation Community SFI Sunday Nights
2021-04-04 Beginner's Mind 1:31:59
San Francisco Insight Meditation Community SFI Sunday Nights
2021-03-28 Real Life Skillfulness 1:31:44
San Francisco Insight Meditation Community SFI Sunday Nights
2021-03-21 Inquiry Repeating Questions 10:35
What do you hold on to? What have you let go of? What do you experience as you let go right now?
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Maranasati: Contemplating Death, Awakening to Life with Eugene Cash, Victoria Cary, Alisa Dennis, PhD and Hakim Tafari
2021-03-21 Meditation 36:18
Morning Instructions
San Francisco Insight Meditation Community SFI Sunday Nights
2021-03-20 Meditation 29:26
Evening sitting meditation
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Maranasati: Contemplating Death, Awakening to Life with Eugene Cash, Victoria Cary, Alisa Dennis, PhD and Hakim Tafari
2021-03-20 Inquiry: Repeating Questions 10minutes each way each question 8:33
Tell me something you know about death. Tell me something you don’t know about death.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Maranasati: Contemplating Death, Awakening to Life with Eugene Cash, Victoria Cary, Alisa Dennis, PhD and Hakim Tafari

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