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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Kate Johnson's Dharma Talks
Kate Johnson
Hi! I’m a meditation teacher, facilitator and writer based in Philadelphia. I teach classes and retreats on mindfulness, creativity, and social change in museums, universities, and meditation retreat centers all around. A lifelong dancer turned systems change nerd, I've also trained hundreds of business and nonprofit leaders to use embodied awareness practices that support resilience, spark innovation, shift culture and inform organizational transformation. I just finished a book called Radical Friendship: Seven Ways to Love Yourself and Find Your People in an Unjust World (August 2020 - Shambhala Publications).
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2024-11-13 Refuge in Sangha: Interconnectedness and Belonging (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 68:45
The Buddha didn't awaken alone, we don't awaken alone. Sangha is essential for these times. Caring for all dimensions of Mara. Touching the earth.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Finding Your Ground: Mindful Yoga and Embodied Dharma
2023-09-03 Grief, Refuge, and Liberation 1:14:38
Spirit Rock Meditation Center BIPOC Voices - Series
2023-08-16 Day 3 dharma talk_Metta and the Aspiration for Collective Liberation 44:04
True North Insight Mettā/Lovingkindness Retreat
2023-08-16 Day 3 morning instructions_Radiating Metta 35:06
True North Insight Mettā/Lovingkindness Retreat
2023-08-15 Day 2 dharma talk_Liberating insight through Metta 53:48
True North Insight Mettā/Lovingkindness Retreat
2023-08-15 Day 2 morning instructions_Metta for All Beings 52:52
True North Insight Mettā/Lovingkindness Retreat
2023-08-14 Day 1 dharma talk_Inspiration for Love 37:08
True North Insight Mettā/Lovingkindness Retreat
2023-08-14 Day 1 morning instructions_Metta for Self 36:30
True North Insight Mettā/Lovingkindness Retreat
2023-05-01 not yet titled 64:11
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks
2021-09-27 Settling on the Earth 52:20
An exploration of the earth element -- as felt sense, as healer, as teacher, as mother.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center "No Part Left Out"

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