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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
James Baraz's Dharma Talks
James Baraz
I try to convey that the wisdom and compassion we are looking for is already inside of us. I see practice as learning how to purify our mind and heart so we can hear the Buddha inside. In doing so, we naturally embody the dharma and help awaken that understanding and love in others we meet.
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2008-03-27 Buddhadharma As A Path Of Happiness - part 3: Opening To Suffering 52:13
This is the third of a series based on cultivating the wholesome states that I share in my Awakening Joy Class. This first week we’ll explore the theme of Opening to Suffering.
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley
2008-03-20 Buddhadharma As A Path Of Happiness - part 2: Mindfulness 54:47
This is the second of a series based on cultivating the wholesome states that I share in my Awakening Joy Class. This first week we’ll explore the theme of Mindfulness as a path for well-being. We will share some practical exercises to use in daily life as well as understand why mindfulness is called by the Buddha “the most direct way to overcome sorrow and despair and realize the highest happiness.”
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley
2008-03-13 Buddhadharma As A Path Of Happiness - part 1: Intention 56:51
This is the first of a series based on cultivating the wholesome states that I share in my Awakening Joy Class. I intend to explore these principles from a more traditional Buddhist perspective and show how they reveal Buddhadharma as a path of happiness. I’ll be suggesting techniques that can be practiced in daily life in addition to formal meditation. This first week we’ll explore the theme of Intention. “Intending is karma,” said the Buddha. Through intention we create our reality. The clearer we are on our intention, the greater influence we have on the direction of our lives.
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley
2008-03-06 I Know I'm Stuck And I Still Can't Get Out! 56:08
Mindfulness practice helps us see clearly how we’re creating suffering for ourselves with our insecurities, self-judgments, judgments of others or other conditioned reactions. But often seeing these isn’t enough to release their hold on us. In fact, sometimes it’s more frustrating to see them but still feel as stuck as ever. We’ll explore how to work with this predicament wisely so we 1) don’t have to be at the mercy of our lofty ideals of good practice can use some simple but effective methods for moving to a greater place of well-being.
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley
2008-02-14 Buddhist Master Series: Ajahn Jumnien 53:48
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley
2008-02-07 Buddhist Master Series: Ajahn Dhammadharo 55:31
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley
2008-01-31 Buddhist Master Series: U Ba Khin 57:05
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley
2008-01-24 Buddhist Master Series: Mogok Sayadaw 54:32
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley
2008-01-10 Buddhist Master Series: Taungpulu Sayadaw 51:49
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley
2007-12-13 Buddhist Master Series: Ajahn Naeb 50:52
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley

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