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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
James Baraz's Dharma Talks
James Baraz
I try to convey that the wisdom and compassion we are looking for is already inside of us. I see practice as learning how to purify our mind and heart so we can hear the Buddha inside. In doing so, we naturally embody the dharma and help awaken that understanding and love in others we meet.
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2022-02-21 Guided sit with brama vihara (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 55:54
Spirit Rock Meditation Center February Insight Meditation 1 Month Retreat
2022-02-18 Equanimity 61:28
Equanimity is always the last on every list, which shows its importance as the culmination of the mind that can be with all things. Cultivating a balance and centeredness in the midst of our joys and sorrows, we can know the peace that the Buddha encourages us to experience.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center February Insight Meditation 1 Month Retreat
2022-02-15 Mudita Practice 48:27
Mudita for a friend who is having great happiness, self, benefactor, and neutral categories
Spirit Rock Meditation Center February Insight Meditation 1 Month Retreat
2022-02-11 Awakening Joy: The Buddha’s Teaching on the Gladness of the Wholesome (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 62:14
The Buddha taught that one should cultivate and, when possible, maintain wholesome states. This talk explores teachings on cultivating states of well-being and how to deepen them in our practice.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center February Insight Meditation 1 Month Retreat
2022-02-05 Loving the Moment: Opening to it All (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 63:07
Being in the present requires us to open to all experience, the beautiful moments and the challenging ones. This talk explores essential qualities that help us not only accept the moment, but embrace and even love it as our true refuge.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center February Insight Meditation 1 Month Retreat
2022-02-04 Guided Bramavihara Meditation (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 42:23
In order to open the heart and extend kindness and compassion to others we need to soften the places of contraction through practicing forgiveness. This guided meditation invites us to practice forgiving ourselves– our body, our mind, and our heart – and then extending it towards others as well.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center February Insight Meditation 1 Month Retreat
2022-02-01 Morning instructions: Focusing and unifying the mind 58:45
A guided meditation on deepening concentration using the breath as the primary object.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center February Insight Meditation 1 Month Retreat
2022-01-31 How The Practice Unfolds: The Five Spiritual Faculties 63:32
The Five Spiritual Faculties in the Buddha's teaching give a clear description of the natural unfolding of practice unfolds over time. It also describes the process over the course of a month-long intensive retreat.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center February Insight Meditation 1 Month Retreat
2022-01-27 Remembering Thich Nhat Hanh 51:02
The great Vietnamese Master, Thich Nhat Hanh, passed away on January 22nd at the age of 95. Thay, as he was known to his students, was one of the most influential Buddhist masters in modern times.We spend the evening exploring his teachings and honoring his spirit. A short clip of him teaching is included as part of the evening.
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley
2022-01-20 Equanimity with Uncertainty: Finding Balance in Difficult Times 51:13
Equanimity or Upekkha is a highly valued quality in Buddhist teachings. It is one of the Four Divine Abodes, one of the Seven Factors of Enlightenment, one of the Ten Perfections and on a number of other lists. When highly developed it is the precursor to the experience of awakening. But what is equanimity? How can we cultivate it in our meditation practice? Even more, how can we access it in our daily life, especially in times like these with so much uncertainty, fear and sadness over the suffering in the world? We will explore various aspects of equanimity that can be pragmatically applied to our life off the cushion.
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley

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