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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Ajahn Sucitto's Dharma Talks
Ajahn Sucitto
As a monk, I bring a strong commitment, along with the renunciate flavor, to the classic Buddhist teachings. I play with ideas, with humor and a current way of expressing the teachings, but I don't dilute them.
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2023-03-12 GM 19:36
Recorded during Ajahn's New Zealand trip
Cittaviveka 2023 Online Dhamma Streams
2023-03-11 Spiritual Intelligence 31:46
The open state is unrushed, receptive to all the six senses. It receives them with a basic intelligence that stays intact and responds.
Bodhinyanarama Monastery, Stokes Valley, New Zealand
2023-03-11 Q&A at Kihikihi Meditation Center 58:52
00:18 Q1 When experiencing feelings and emotions is it part of the practice just to experience the suffering?07:59 Q2 When dealing with powerful emotions, is the foundation that you speak of built from continuous practice, being real? 17:15 Q3 If self enquiry is to bring us to a place of open heatedness, why do we carry these stories with us? How has that come about, that is has become so important to us? 33:43 Q4 Do you think that as you go on the path that you can experience suffering more? Because you are more aware of it? 46:34 Q5 How do you develop the level of understanding and insight that you have? 52:36 Q6 How can we find the balance between intentionally cultivating skillful qualities and accepting or allowing them to emerge?
Bodhinyanarama Monastery, Stokes Valley, New Zealand
2023-03-05 Get on the right track 54:44
In taking refuge we seek an environment where we feel we can find ourselves, be safe and grow. How can we operate in or even transform our relationship to the toxicity of the world?
Bodhinyanarama Monastery, Stokes Valley, New Zealand
2023-03-01 The Way of Balance 35:18
We discover a sense of purpose in considering the notion of path. But the path does not lead to a place, it is the end of places.
Bodhinyanarama Monastery, Stokes Valley, New Zealand
2023-02-12 Q&A 39:38
From New Zealand - 02:19 Q1 What is the difference between heedfulness and mindfulness? 10:24 Q2 I often hear the words: “Your dukka is not personal”. There seems so much behind this but it seems this does not heal the situation in the moment. What can you say about this please? 22:37 Q3 I have a chronic illness which comes on suddenly and affects many parts of my body. I carry a lot of fear about getting sick. It affects my breathing. Can I use something other than the breath in calming myself? 27:10 Q4 I’d like a better understanding of papancha / proliferation please. 33:39 Q5 Sometimes I feel unsure of how to go about connecting with others. How can I get my social needs met without being demanding on others?
Cittaviveka 2023 Dhamma Talks
2023-02-12 Guided Meditation 18:03
From New Zealand
Cittaviveka 2023 Online Dhamma Streams
2023-02-10 Forgiveness 45:50
Balancing effort and purifying kamma. Learn to be with what is uncomfortable, including personal mistakes. Cultivating the noble heart requires forgiveness. (at ATBA in Auckland)
Vimutti Buddhist Monestary
2023-01-16 Ajahn Chah's Dhamma Culture 60:10
How to stay at ease in the world as it is.
Cittaviveka 2023 Dhamma Talks
2023-01-15 Body, heart and awareness 26:06
How do we get to what the Buddha called, the end of the world? Ajahn points to a practice of exploring the internal / subtle body and its relationship to mental serenity.
Cittaviveka 2023 Online Dhamma Streams
2023-01-15 Guided Meditation - Aspects of Puja 23:07
Cittaviveka 2023 Online Dhamma Streams
2023-01-13 Follow the Feeling: the Open Road 50:43
Practice is a matter of carefully noticing and moderating feeling.
Cittaviveka 2023 Dhamma Talks
2023-01-12 Through tedium to liberation 47:30
Persistent mindfulness through changing conditions reveals portals to liberation: Anicca, Dukkha, Anatta.
Cittaviveka 2023 Dhamma Talks
2023-01-11 Skilful deactivation 55:32
How to withdraw energy from the mind - and why.
Cittaviveka 2023 Dhamma Talks
2023-01-10 The world hangs on 52:06
...(And is released from) three threads.
Cittaviveka 2023 Dhamma Talks
2023-01-09 Watch for this sign 57:35
How to steadily warm rather than get fried.
Cittaviveka 2023 Dhamma Talks
2023-01-08 Mindful Acrobatics - how to juggle the plates of feeling and not become a nervous wreck 48:57
Ajahn explores the sutta on the two acrobats, illustrating the theme of protection of oneself and others, and their inter-relationship.
Dhamma Stream Online Sessions
2023-01-07 Enter Dhamma, exit reactivity 57:43
Using mindfulness of the body to chill emotional reactions.
Cittaviveka 2023 Dhamma Talks
2022-12-30 Four keys to a meaningful life. 43:52
Four standard themes for reflection that turn the mind inwards towards Dhamma.
2022-12-24 Inner sensitivity and the end of dukkha 53:22
We express the precepts through our external behaviours and internally by how we react to the world. Gaining internal support for coolness and richness to discover our proper centre.
Temple Forest Monastery
2022-12-18 Leaving Intensity, entering Dhamma 27:19
Reframing ‘Dhamma practice’ as ‘Dhamma entry’ gives us a handle on working with what arises in any aspect of our life.
Dhamma Stream Online Sessions :  2022 Online Teaching
2022-12-18 GM 19:12
Cittaviveka 2022 Online Teaching
2022-12-14 Closing Comments 3:19
We can practice by remembering that we participate in a global communion that has been going on for thousands of years, for our welfare and that of others.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge Mapping the Territory: New Light on the Satipatthana
2022-12-13 Dhamma of sharing and aspiration 31:02
Through practice we form the occasion of goodness, and this occasion forms us, strengthening composure and wisdom. This is the circularity of dhamma, of the process that transcends the specific occasion of retreat.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge Mapping the Territory: New Light on the Satipatthana
2022-12-13 Mindfulness of the uncertain – everyday Bardo 50:17
Remembering mindfulness is challenged when moving from retreat to an interactive domain. Attune your mindfulness to the uncertainty of life in the most basic experience of body, feeling, citta and “stuff that comes up”.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge ORIGINAL RECORDINGS, TO BE EDITED - Ajahn Sucitto at IMS-FR

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