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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Ajahn Sucitto's Dharma Talks
Ajahn Sucitto
As a monk, I bring a strong commitment, along with the renunciate flavor, to the classic Buddhist teachings. I play with ideas, with humor and a current way of expressing the teachings, but I don't dilute them.
2016-09-10 Embodied Presence is Always Here 17:05
Intro & Guided Meditation: Embodiment is not the visual or notional form of the body, but a domain of sensations, pressures, temperatures, and movements. When attention is turned to this embodied experience and we relax what doesn't need to be activated, calm and sensitivity are naturally generated.
London Insight Meditation Guided by Nature
2016-06-25 I Is a Movement 48:49
The average person operates under the assumption they are a person having experiences. If we look more deeply, we recognize it’s just experience, and experience creates the sense of a person having experiences. The ‘I’ who does things is the movement of kamma. ‘Myself’ is the results of what I hold into – what I incline to becomes the fundamental quality of ‘me.’
2016-06-16 Puja - Arising with Boundless Heart 35:02
Madison Insight Meditation Group :  Beyond Time and Space
2016-06-16 Dhamma Talk - Self, Non-Self and the Measureless Qualities 47:12
Madison Insight Meditation Group :  Beyond Time and Space
2016-06-15 Dhamma Talk on Being With 62:06
Madison Insight Meditation Group :  Beyond Time and Space
2016-06-14 Evening Q&A - Mindfulness and Viveka, Somatic Practices, Being with Rather Than Identification 54:44
Madison Insight Meditation Group :  Beyond Time and Space
2016-06-14 Puja - Being with the "I Am" 23:31
Madison Insight Meditation Group :  Beyond Time and Space
2016-06-14 Dhamma Talk - Co-dependent Arising - All Worms, No Can 42:19
Madison Insight Meditation Group :  Beyond Time and Space
2016-06-13 Evening Q&A - Dealing with Anger (and Afflictive Energies) 47:07
Madison Insight Meditation Group :  Beyond Time and Space
2016-06-13 Puja - Dhamma = Direct Experience and Nowhere Else 47:17
Madison Insight Meditation Group :  Beyond Time and Space

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