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gift of the teachings
Ajahn Sucitto's Dharma Talks
Ajahn Sucitto
As a monk, I bring a strong commitment, along with the renunciate flavor, to the classic Buddhist teachings. I play with ideas, with humor and a current way of expressing the teachings, but I don't dilute them.
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2023-04-21 Q&A 68:18
00:09 Q1 Could you speak about the experience of thinking and emotions. 06:09 Q2 I feel I have no control. The music in my mind keeps playing, I feel I am going mad. How can I cultivate mindfully without making thoughts and stories stronger. 20:59 Q3 How can I deal with grief over loosing loved ones? 28:19 Q4 Is it normal to feel warm and perspire during sitting meditation? 32:56 Q5 Does it matter how you place the hands during sitting meditation? 35:40 Q6 When one sees the light – I guess this is meditation nimitta – do you focus on the breath or follow the light? 37:47 Q7 [Should one] place attention on the entire body even when walking? 47:43 Q7 I have scoliosis and am uncomfortable in every position. Are there techniques to help with body and mental pain skillfully when I meditate? 52:59 Q8 Regarding the 12 links of dependent origination, which link is the weakest? 59:46 Q9 How do we enter the stream? 01:01:45 Q10 Can you elaborate on what you said about what Sariputta and Moggallana understood regarding the arising of the Tathagata?
Palilai Buddhist Temple :  Deepen Your Practice
2023-04-21 Q&A 39:45
Questions are précised 00:15 Q1 Can you clarify why the Buddha recommended sense restraint in cultivating citta? What harm does sense desire to the citta? 04:20 Q2 I have a picture that the sense organs are shooting stuff into the citta. Is that correct? 12:42 Q3 How can I overcome sound distractions to focus more on my breathing ? 18:59 Q4 The Buddha said, light arose and vision arose. What does this mean? 20:27 Q5 If we trust in awareness, would this lead to attachment to citta and become another soul? 24:09 Q6 I feel emotions deeply and am sometimes affected by other being seen and unseen, like ghosts. Also getting angry gives me power and sometimes I feel that metta softens and weakens myself to others. How can I protect citta, one’s sensitivity? 30:45 Q7 How to distinguish between self-care and attachment?
Palilai Buddhist Temple :  Deepen Your Practice
2023-04-21 Attending to and letting go 50:43
What we attend to and what we leave out needs wise assessment. This leads to a deepening of wisdom and the abandonment of daily compulsive habits.
Palilai Buddhist Temple :  Deepen Your Practice
2023-04-20 Reviewing and learning from experience 39:24
We interact with experience as it happens, liking, disliking and bearing with. Developing a quality of balance provides for the end of personal dissatisfaction.
Palilai Buddhist Temple :  Deepen Your Practice
2023-04-20 Q&A 58:12
00:15 Can you clarify what is citta? And the asavas? 31:02 Q2 What is meant by nimitta? I’ve never experienced a light nimitta, but I experience calm and peace after I meditate. How can I go deeper into this? Q3 34:31 How can one speed up the process of becoming a stream enterer? 45:26 Q4 How do we practice mindfulness in daily life?
Palilai Buddhist Temple :  Deepen Your Practice
2023-04-20 Walking Meditation Instructions 7:45
Palilai Buddhist Temple :  Deepen Your Practice
2023-04-20 Nimittas are signs 26:43
Examine how things become signs that catch our attention and enter our heart. Understanding the process can lessen delusion and provide us with protection and the development of wisdom.
Palilai Buddhist Temple :  Deepen Your Practice
2023-04-20 Instructions - Sitting, moving, reclining meditation 13:08
Palilai Buddhist Temple :  Deepen Your Practice
2023-04-19 Being with change 40:21
Circumstances and changing events both shape our worldly life and allow growing insight into the inability to control events. We can learn what lies beyond circumstances.
Palilai Buddhist Temple :  Deepen Your Practice
2023-04-19 Q&A 69:19
Questions are précised: 00:00 Q1 What conditions the in breath and the out breath? Are the in and out breath, one breath? 30:51 Q2 I understand that after achieving samadhi one must do vipassana. Or there’s a need to direct the mind or to know what to see or look out for. 47:45 Q3 On retreat, every time the energy body unlocks some more space in my physical body and seems to open into a relaxing garden. Then it retreats. What’s your advice for my energy body to stay in the garden a bit longer? 51:31 Q4 Is it a must to see past lives to penetrate on the path? 52:34 Q5 I’m afraid of being born without wisdom and beauty. How can make sure I will always be close the dhamma in my next lives? 59:07 Q6 How can I establish daily meditation practice? What’s a good amount of time?
Palilai Buddhist Temple :  Deepen Your Practice

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