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Ajahn Sucitto's Dharma Talks
Ajahn Sucitto
As a monk, I bring a strong commitment, along with the renunciate flavor, to the classic Buddhist teachings. I play with ideas, with humor and a current way of expressing the teachings, but I don't dilute them.
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1995-08-30 Filling The Resevoir Of Practice 56:47
1995-08-27 Self View And Devotion 56:29
1995-08-26 Kammatthana 63:34
1995-07-11 Views And Commitment 61:07
1995-03-25 Wise Use Of Conventions 1:20:10
exploring "structures" in the world which help support our practice
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center
1995-03-23 Suffering And The Cessation Of Suffering 62:16
understanding the wisdom of dukkha
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center
1995-03-21 Wise Use Of Mindfulness 51:06
reflecting on the qualities of wise attention
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center
1995-03-19 Brahma Viharas-Morning Instruction 55:07
Bringing kindness and clarity to the emotional side of life.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center
1995-03-18 Three Kinds Of Dukkha: The Value Of Zero 55:40
understanding the manifestations of Dukkha: change-ability, conditionability, physical and emotional pain
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center
1994-03-18 Metta: The Radiant Mind 49:50
1994-03-18 Sacred 1:11:51
1994-03-16 Freedom & Resurrection 60:14
1994-03-15 Liberation From the Determinates of Self View 63:06
1994-03-12 Lifting The Heart From Habit 62:54
trusting the buoyancy of the mind
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center
1992-12-25 Merit of Meditation 65:46
An archived talk recently edited for DharmaSeed. Day of talk is approximate.
1991-01-15 What Lies beyond Our Control 40:20
[This teaching was given while on pilgrimage in India during a retreat in Bodh Gaya. Link for more on this pilgrimage: ] Sometimes we choose a ‘no control’ situation like retreat or pilgrimage for training. Devotion and acts of honoring open receptivity and change our way of seeing. The demanding grasping mind stops, and we begin to experience a proper relationship to experience, one of no conflict. We learn to humbly accept the unsatisfactory quality of life. This is the heart of surrender, to live in accordance with truth, and to trust the truth of our life as it is.
1991-01-01 Pilgrimage Talk in Bodhgaya 40:20
This Is a talk given to a retreat given by Christopher Titmus in January 1991 in Bodhgaya. It is referred to in Ajahn's podcast "Where Are you Going?" (
Wat Thai Bodhgaya
1990-04-07 Freedom 60:49
what does it mean to be free?
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center
1990-04-07 Metta - The Radiant Mind 50:25
Cultivating lovingkindness and non-aversion.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center
In collection: Force Of Metta
1990-04-07 Sacred 1:13:24
grounding our practice in the precepts
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center
1990-04-07 Kindness And Mindfulness Are Not Separate 54:22
attending to mindfulness so that we may learn to be kind...even to our own unkindness
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center
1990-04-07 Liberation From The Determinants Of Self View 62:22
letting go of the watcher
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center
1990-04-03 Refuge From Worry 60:03
fulfilling our human potential by keeping the practice light and flowing
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center
1990-04-03 Cultivating Freedom Through Difficulties 61:00
cultivating the ground of our mind so that the seed of the Dharma may sprout
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center
1990-04-02 A Billion Calpas (Aeons) Of Bliss Are Not Enough 62:52
learning how our perceptions prevent us from experiencing life just as it is
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center
1988-05-14 Guided Meditation - Mettā 25:28
Mettā, which is goodwill or benevolence, is something to practice frequently. It helps our perceptions become more kindly and giving, less critical and holding. Kindness begins by coming into the present moment – breathing, spreading, opening through the whole body. From this state practice referring to what arises with patience, compassion and gratitude.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Monastic Retreat
1988-05-14 Right View 57:00
Structures of Dhamma practice aren’t commandments or statements of reality but to be used as focal points for us to observe. We notice where we hold on, where self-view arises, when we expect things to be fulfilling. All this causes suffering as long as we hold onto it, and liberation when we understand it as it is. Whatever we encounter then is not a heavy burden but an opportunity to cultivate that which will be for my welfare and the welfare of others.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Monastic Retreat
1988-05-14 Meditation Instructions 44:46
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Monastic Retreat
1988-05-13 Seeing the Way It Is! 53:57
meditation instructions
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Monastic Retreat
1988-05-13 Tomorrow is Saturday? 65:13
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Monastic Retreat
1988-05-12 Something About Freedom 1:13:32
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Monastic Retreat
1988-05-12 Perspectives on the Mind 43:39
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Monastic Retreat
1988-05-11 The Contemplative View 48:28
Trust in the contemplative view and life simplifies by itself. Contemplation channels our ways of recognizing and knowing things so the awakening mind begins to cultivate wisdom. Then we can recognize why we experience suffering and put an end to it.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Monastic Retreat
1988-05-10 Peril of View 1:10:00
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Monastic Retreat
1988-05-10 Nature of Unsatisfactoriness 45:30
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Monastic Retreat
1988-05-09 Awakening to the Way Things Are 63:27
We were all born with the capacity to be aware – this is the reflective mind. It has to be cultivated or it becomes distorted. Mindfulness of body and breathing helps slow the mind down so it can reflect, recognize that experience is conditioned, arising dependent upon circumstance. When mind awakens to the way things actually are, one touches the deathless.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Monastic Retreat
1988-05-09 The Path of Direct Experience 59:24
Thought is an abstraction – we step back from experience and form an idea, opinion, judgment. This Path steers away from thought, and inclines towards direct, felt experienced. Enter experience and work from within the doubt, confusion, aggression with a clear, pure Buddha mind, not the thinking mind. With this unification of mind there is the end of suffering.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Monastic Retreat
1988-05-08 Morning Instructions and Talk 1:38:52
and 1988-05-09
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Monastic Retreat
1988-05-07 Why meditate? 1:13:12
The phrase “the way it is” offers a snapshot of the changing experience of the mind as it considers basic questions of existence. Meditation offers a way to be with body feelings and reveals the steady and tranquil energy there. Meditation also reveals the compelling and default practice of the mind that is always identifying a “self” which creates anxiety, nervousness, trying too hard and judgements. Seeing this default mind process we see the Buddha’s concept of “suffering” and this leads in turn to comfort and confidence with understanding the statement “the way it is”. We can recall the Buddha said that nibanna is in fact realizable here and now, in this life. exact date uncertain
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Monastic Retreat
Attached Files:
  • Why meditate? by Ajahn Sucitto (PDF)
1988-05-06 Welcome 60:20
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Monastic Retreat
1988-04-01 Force Of Metta 10:28:14
with Ajahn Sucitto, Anna Douglas, Christopher Titmuss, Joseph Goldstein, Marcia Rose, Sharon Salzberg, Sylvia Boorstein, Tara Brach
1983-01-27 Precepts, meditation, chanting 34:05
1981-03-24 Making peace with despair 1:32:23

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