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gift of the teachings
Ajahn Sucitto's Dharma Talks
Ajahn Sucitto
As a monk, I bring a strong commitment, along with the renunciate flavor, to the classic Buddhist teachings. I play with ideas, with humor and a current way of expressing the teachings, but I don't dilute them.
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2022-12-02 Q&A 67:20
00:00 Retreat culture seems rather elitist in some ways. What would the Buddha make of IMS Forest Refuge? 04:13 You talked about feeling feelings, so they can move through. Any tips on how to do this without getting embroiled in negative feelings? 19:28 Can you talk about working with knots or obsessions that are very strong? 26:33 Can you speak about neutral vedena. It seems most experience is neutral. 28:46 What is meant by worldly and unworldly vedena? 30:25 What is meant by internal and external vedena? Might external mean sensitive to other beings, being sensitive to their presence? 35:30 What is the relationship of the citta, the fine material, the ordinary sensorial body and to the felt sense of embodiment?42:09 How does the citta settle into knowing? 47:28 Regarding upekkha and the other brahma vihara, when do these wholesome states become another “project”, something to do? 49:37 What’s the difference between upekkha in the brahma vihara and upekka as an enlightenment factor? 51:31 How can one fulfil ones’ duties, roles and responsibilities in a way that inclines towards letting go and releasing the sense of self? 57:54 I’ve been taught that it’s better to pause and linger at the end of the inhalation but it seems to get tight. What can you suggest?
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge Mapping the Territory: New Light on the Satipatthana
2022-12-02 Feeling - its domains and management 61:05
All things converge on feeling. Using mindfulness, we can scan our experience, developing authority over feeling - and wisdom to discern how things actually are.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge Mapping the Territory: New Light on the Satipatthana
2022-12-01 Formative Energies 31:48
Body awareness notices the energy that creates form, of the body and the mind/citta. It creates a "me", a blueprint for suffering. Wisdom is an observer that is not taken over by it.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge Mapping the Territory: New Light on the Satipatthana
2022-12-01 GM - Establishing inner outer bodily sense 32:47
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge Mapping the Territory: New Light on the Satipatthana
2022-11-29 Understanding and release from programs 53:36
The citta is open and gets formed and filled with whatever the input is and forms a me.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge Mapping the Territory: New Light on the Satipatthana
2022-11-28 Right food 57:16
Practicing to experience energies which are subtle and supple, physically and mentally. Goodwill allows the citta to flow and release stuck states.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge Mapping the Territory: New Light on the Satipatthana
2022-11-27 Inclining the citta towards goodwilll 23:39
Practicing to experience energies which are subtle and supple, physically and mentally. Goodwill allows the citta to flow and release stuck states.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge Mapping the Territory: New Light on the Satipatthana
2022-11-27 The nutriment of passion 51:39
There is unaware nutriment/ input and awakened input involving deep attention and the enlightenment factors. Practice helps us to spot how unawareness leads to tunnel vision.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge Mapping the Territory: New Light on the Satipatthana
2022-11-26 Tips on Walking 2:57
Remember, your head doesn’t walk.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge Mapping the Territory: New Light on the Satipatthana
2022-11-26 Nutriments and liberation 41:17
Aspects of the sutta (SN12.064) describing the four kinds of nutriment or inputs to the senses. The full sutta is here: (24 words)
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge Mapping the Territory: New Light on the Satipatthana

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