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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Joseph Goldstein's Dharma Talks
Joseph Goldstein
I have two main aims in teaching. The first is to spread the dharma as widely as possible, offering it to as many different people as I can. The second is to teach a smaller number of people over sustained periods of time. This in-depth teaching engages my tremendous love for intensive, long-term meditation practice, where people can immerse themselves in the retreat experience and see how it transforms their understanding.
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2015-06-01 Q&A 63:08
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge May 1 to June 14 2015 at IMS - Forest Refuge
2015-06-01 Morning Reflection - Mindfulness Of Knowing 16:39
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge May 1 to June 14 2015 at IMS - Forest Refuge
2015-05-25 Equanimity: The Gateway To Enlightenment 54:18
Exploring the understanding and practice of equanimity in our meditation and in our lives.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge May 1 to June 14 2015 at IMS - Forest Refuge
2015-05-25 Morning Reflection - Mood and Emotion 15:03
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge May 1 to June 14 2015 at IMS - Forest Refuge
2015-05-18 Working With Thoughts and Emotions 62:00
How to understand and work with thoughts and emotions in the context of mindfulness and liberation.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge May 1 to June 14 2015 at IMS - Forest Refuge
2015-05-11 Right view 59:06
Right view as both the beginning and ending of the path - Includes discussion of the four noble truths and the five aggregates from the perspective of non-self.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge May 1 to June 14 2015 at IMS - Forest Refuge
2015-05-04 The Art Of Renunciation 61:18
Learning to see how renunciation is the practice of non-addiction - the gateway to different levels of freedom
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge May 1 to June 14 2015 at IMS - Forest Refuge
2015-04-25 An Afternoon with Joseph Goldstein 1:59:07
The afternoon will include a guided meditation, talk, and Q&A.
New York Insight Meditation Center
2014-12-09 Reflections On Race And Diversity 35:31
During the closing transition days of IMS's Three-Month Retreat, there were some group discussions about IMS's diversity initiatives. Bonnie Duran led a group for people of color (POC) meditators, and Joseph Goldstein spoke to and led a discussion with the non-POC group. His intention was to provide an introduction to the work IMS is undertaking in undoing racism and other diversity issues, and to describe his own personal exploration in this area.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three Month - Part 2
2014-12-03 Q&A 61:05
End Of Three Month Retreat
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three Month - Part 2

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