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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2014-05-22 The Power of Faith and Wisdom 50:27
Mark Coleman
This talk explores the Buddha's teaching on the 5 Spiritual Faculties -- the qualities of mindfulness, faith, concentration, wisdom and effort, and how to develop them on the Path.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Essential Teachings of the Path of Awakening

2014-05-22 Discussing some of the provocative articles from the current Inquiring Mind issue on "War and Peace" with co-editors Barbara Gates and Alan Senauke who will join us to deepen the conversation. 60:49
James Baraz
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley IMCB Regular Talks

2014-05-22 Dana 23:34
Gregory Kramer
Contemplation on 1. Non-giving, with Pause and Relax; 2. Giving, in life; here and now.
Insight Dialogue Community (Lake Doniphan) Insight Dialogue Retreat

2014-05-22 Guideline: Pause 16:33
Gregory Kramer
cut short
Insight Dialogue Community (Lake Doniphan) Insight Dialogue Retreat

2014-05-21 Wake Up to Freedom 54:23
Spring Washam
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Essential Teachings of the Path of Awakening

2014-05-21 Heart Training on the Bodhisatva Path 56:38
Tara Brach
Bodhisattva means “Awakened Being.” This path of awakening has three key domains for practice: remembering intention; training our attention; and compassionate activity. This talk reviews these domains and includes guided reflections that can help bring spirituality alive in daily life.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC IMCW Wednesday Evening Talks

2014-05-21 Gradual and Sudden Awakening 63:35
Ayya Tathaloka
Dhamma talk given at Yoga Mendocino exploring "Gradual and Sudden Awakening" by Ayya Tathaaloka

2014-05-21 Controlling Faculty Of Energy 57:11
Sayadaw Vivekananda
Dwelling with energy aroused for the abandoning of unwholesome states and the acquisition of wholesome states
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge May 15 - June 30, 2014 at IMS - Forest Refuge

2014-05-21 Class I or II : Practicing the Path of Peace 48:15
Sylvia Boorstein
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2014-05-21 Annual Retreat - Nancy Gill Memorial 35:55
Bob Stahl
Insight Santa Cruz

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