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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2023-09-03 Guided Meditation - A living animated experience 15:42
Ajahn Sucitto
Dhamma Stream Online Sessions

2023-09-03 Do No Harm: Exploring the Buddhist Precepts 40:27
Pamela Weiss
This talk unfolds teachings on sila, Buddhist ethics. It will explore the precepts as the heart of the Path, and share how we can use them to stay awake in daily life.
San Francisco Insight Meditation Community SFI Sunday Nights

2023-09-03 Grief, Refuge, and Liberation 1:14:38
Kate Johnson
Spirit Rock Meditation Center BIPOC Voices - Series

2023-09-03 Afternoon - Intentions; Inquiry; Short Practice w Benevolent Other 28:14
Catherine McGee
Gaia House The Eye of the Heart: Tracing a Path to Soulfulness

2023-09-03 The Joy of Renunciation - Week 3 - Meditation 33:13
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Weekly Dharma Series

2023-09-03 The Joy of Renunciation - Week 3 - Talk 39:49
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Weekly Dharma Series

2023-09-03 Morning Instructions - 'The Body as Basis' and Guided Practice 44:35
Yahel Avigur
Gaia House The Eye of the Heart: Tracing a Path to Soulfulness

2023-09-03 Morning Sit with Instructions (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 59:03
Howard Cohn
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Labor Day Insight Retreat

2023-09-02 Nothing Can Make You Happier than You Are 58:33
Howard Cohn
Insight Meditation reintroduces us to our natural peace and well being and shows us the difference between the immediate experience of ourselves and the version of ourselves that plays in our minds. That story is one of hope and desire, reinforcing the feeling that happiness cannot be found right now but must wait for the right conditions to be achieved. This misplaced faith must be seen through.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Labor Day Insight Retreat

2023-09-02 Morning Instructions (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 55:59
Tuere Sala
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Labor Day Insight Retreat

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