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Dharma Talks
2021-12-11 Feel What You Think 48:52
Ajahn Sucitto
To get a handle on what we feel, we need to get past layers of "self" and into the process that establishes it. When the "self" stuff falls away the original emotional trigger can be understood and released properly. An embodied spacious presence can do that. Let the body feel an emotion, breathe it – there can be softening and a releasing, and a transformation of your emotional profile.
London Insight Meditation Feel It, Breathe It, Clear It - A Guide to Emotional Management

2021-12-11 Emotional Intelligence and Emotional Profile and Standing Meditation 52:58
Ajahn Sucitto
Emotion is a part of our intelligence. But we can become overwhelmed by emotions, triggering reactive tendencies that create our emotional profile – and that becomes ‘me’/’myself’. It’s possible to moderate this reflexive system and manage the emotions. Begin with establishing a stable base in the body and coming into presence.
London Insight Meditation Feel It, Breathe It, Clear It - A Guide to Emotional Management

2021-12-10 Evening Dharma Talk (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 1:17:08
Teja Bell, Bonnie Duran, Vinny Ferraro
Spirit Rock Meditation Center In the Presence of Love--a Metta and Qigong Retreat

2021-12-10 Reflections On Impermanence 49:08
Caroline Jones
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge December 2021

2021-12-10 Meditation on the earth element, Dhamma talk on the relationship between humans and environment 1:38:25
Bhante Sujato
Meditation on the earth element led by Bhante Sujato. Dhamma talk by Bhante Sujato on the relationship between humans and environment / earth. Gilgamesh. Climate conference, the cost of change, economy as a system that should support human life instead of vice versa. Q+A: Tibbarāga. Jataka tale of "The Golden Deer". Mulapariyāya Sutta.
Lokanta Vihara
Attached Files:
  • ALP Climate Policy: What You Need to Know by (Link)
  • Jataka story: The Golden Deer by (Link)

2021-12-10 Körperachtsamkeit - ein weites und reiches Praxisfeld 55:59
Yuka Nakamura
Die Praxis der Körperachtsamkeit ist das Fundament der Achtsamkeitspraxis. Den Körper achtsam wahrzunehmen und zu erforschen ermöglicht uns einen anderen Zugang und eine andere, gelöstere Beziehung zum Körper als unsere normale, objektivierende Sicht des Körpers. Dies ist der Boden für die Kultivierung von Achtsamkeit, von Sammlung und von Einsicht in die wahre Natur des Körpers.

2021-12-10 Appamanna: Grenzenloses Wohlwollen 43:07
Fred Von Allmen
Meditationszentrum Beatenberg

2021-12-10 Morning Sit with Instructions 60:06
Teja Bell
Spirit Rock Meditation Center In the Presence of Love--a Metta and Qigong Retreat

2021-12-10 Reflections on practicing with Vedana/ feeling tone 62:50
Caroline Jones
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge December 2021

2021-12-10 Guided Qigong (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 59:30
Teja Bell
Spirit Rock Meditation Center In the Presence of Love--a Metta and Qigong Retreat

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