The greatest gift is the gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
Opening to the abundance of the moment
Kate Munding
These sunny days, green hills, and the smell of spring are inspiring this week's talk on opening to the abundance of the moment. I'd like to explore with you how easy it is to get stuck in a rut of "not-enoughness". This could be a feeling of lack within your self or in your relationships with others. It might be how you view your life or society as a whole. How can we open our hearts and minds to see the fullness of life that is available and right in front of us? How can we use the practices of awareness and gratitude to come into a fuller acceptance of how things really are and find peace.
Insight Meditation Community of Berkeley
IMCB Regular Talks
Appropriate Samatha-Vipassana
Nathan Glyde
How to practice in daily life, or whenever there is more going on than on the beneficial fabrication of a silent meditation retreat. Primarily we'll develop vibrant tranquility (samatha) via getting to know body-heart-mind, cultivating gratitude and mettā, and nourishing a spacious breath and body awareness. Once we've established attentional stability via this relaxed diligent attitude we can investigate and inquire into experience (vipassanā). The vipassanā techniques suggested in this meditation are more fully explored in other guided mediations on this retreat, and at DependentOrigination.org/resources
Dharmalaya Silent Meditation and Sustainable Living Work Retreat 2019