The greatest gift is the gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
Meditation: Awareness is Our Home
Tara Brach
This guided practice helps us come into our senses through a body scan. We then rest in the awareness that is listening to and feeling the changing flow of experience. When the mind drifts, the return is a relaxing back to our senses, and to the sea of awareness that includes and experiences the waves of life.
From the meditation closing:
As part of closing this meditation, sensing whatever wish or blessing you’d like to offer to yourself right now. What would bring healing happiness your life? Widening that heart space to include someone who is dear to you. Sensing your appreciation for that person’s goodness. Offering your wish, your blessings to them. Sensing the heart as edgeless… boundless… open… including all of life everywhere.
May all beings everywhere be filled with loving presence, held in loving presence.
May all beings everywhere find great and natural peace.
May all beings everywhere be happy, know the natural joy of being alive.
May all beings everywhere awaken and be free.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC
Disarming Our Hearts: Guidance from the Bodhisattva Path – Part 2
Tara Brach
If we realized how profoundly our chronic judgment creates separation and blocks the flow of love, we’d dedicate more deeply to disarming our hearts.
Drawing on practices from the Bodhisattva path, these two talks explore the process of disarming—bridging divides with those close in, and opening our hearts to those at a distance who we consider a ‘bad other” or enemy.
As we cultivate the capacity for true disarming, we experience a growing sense of belonging, Oneness and the freedom of an awakened heart.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC