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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2024-01-31 Morning Reflection: Ajahn Chah's quote about how the dharma is universal 4:59
Tara Mulay
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge January 2024

2024-01-30 Utilizing Views and Being Free of Views 33:44
Brian Lesage
Flagstaff Insight Meditation Community FIMC Monday Night Talks

2024-01-30 Why Are We Practicing? (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 1:19:27
Bob Stahl
The path of awakening into wisdom and compassion.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Insight Meditation Retreat: The Direct Path

2024-01-30 Morning reflection: a story from Ajahn Sumedo, about the value of not having preferences. 8:31
Tara Mulay
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge January 2024

2024-01-29 Mindfulness of Breathing and Cultivating Insight 61:55
Jenny Wilks
Reflections and Guided Meditation
Gaia House Mindfulness, Breath by Breath

2024-01-29 The aggregates, consciousness, non-self, and aging. 57:04
Tara Mulay
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge January 2024

2024-01-29 The Teaching of the 8 Consciousnesses 1:26:11
Teja Bell
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2024-01-29 Mettā In Action 1:32:12
Ariya B. Baumann
Presentation of the Metta In Action projects
Chanmyay Myaing Meditation Centre 10th Annual Metta Retreat 2024 - Part 1

2024-01-29 Morning reflection: a discussion about change and impermanence, relating to the recent snowfall 7:14
Tara Mulay
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge January 2024

2024-01-28 Inner Peace and Fierce Compassion 67:57
Yanai Postelnik
Gaia House Inner Peace and Fierce Compassion (Dana Retreat)

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