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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2018-07-15 Dharma Talk - Immeasurable Emptiness 56:35
Zohar Lavie
Gaia House The Four Immeasurables

2018-07-15 Five Spiritual Faculties 66:46
James Baraz
Nirodha Insight Meditation in Finland Silent retreat with James and Jane Baraz

2018-07-15 Metta: Car Wash of the Heart (Retreat st Spirit Rock) 57:33
Anushka Fernandopulle
Perspective on retreat, metta in Buddhist path, clearing out unhelpful habit patterns of the heart/mind, training in love.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center July Metta

2018-07-15 What is the Mind - Talk 56:05
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Weekly Dharma Series

2018-07-15 What is the Mind - Meditation 30:24
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Weekly Dharma Series

2018-07-15 02 Clearing Toxins of the Heart Through Body 60:26
Ajahn Sucitto
The heart and mind are susceptible to toxins that drive action and infect intention. In the body we find a trustworthy orientation – a reliable source for knowing how it is now.
Madison Insight Meditation Group :  Madison Vipassana Retreat: A Detox for the Heart

2018-07-15 03 Standing Meditation: The Body Seeks Harmony 28:50
Ajahn Sucitto
Guidance to help the body come into natural harmony. Notice the effects ground, space and breathing in the body. When the body feels safe, the skin boundary loosens and armor comes off.
Madison Insight Meditation Group :  Madison Vipassana Retreat: A Detox for the Heart

2018-07-15 04 Walking Instructions: Can You Move without a “There”? 7:36
Ajahn Sucitto
Our walking is generally to get “there,” which carries with it a certain quality of distress. Instead, try walking without a “there”. Check the mental constructions of destination- including a ‘spiritual’ one - instead pay attention to how the body walks. It’s more peaceful that way!
Madison Insight Meditation Group :  Madison Vipassana Retreat: A Detox for the Heart

2018-07-15 05 Guided Meditation: Where Do I Find Meaning? 32:43
Ajahn Sucitto
Take a simple word or theme and bring it into the heart. Holding it, sensing it and asking what’s most meaningful? When you take the word into your heart, what happens?
Madison Insight Meditation Group :  Madison Vipassana Retreat: A Detox for the Heart

2018-07-15 06 Using Thought for Recollection 38:20
Ajahn Sucitto
Dhamma practice is generally marked by a tangle of thoughts. But thought can be used for recollection. Taking words into the heart, we consider what has meaning, what serves as refuge, setting distractions aside.
Madison Insight Meditation Group :  Madison Vipassana Retreat: A Detox for the Heart

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