Dharma Talks
Life-Saving Sanctuary
Ayya Medhanandi
Our spiritual home is within the heart. Are we able to activate that awareness, and to treasure kindness and goodness in our daily actions and speech? Can wholesome states of mind prevail even when we face difficult or painful conditions? Moral purity is the harbinger for our waking up to the Truth within us. As we hasten to empty and weed out self-centredness, the poison arrow of craving is extracted. This is freedom – this is life-saving sanctuary.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center
The Heart of Wisdom: Monastic Retreat
Life Saving Sanctuary
Ayya Medhanandi
Our spiritual home is within the heart. Are we able to know and bring to life that awareness, to treasure goodness in our daily acts and words of kindness as well as in wholesome states of mind - even where conditions are not so conducive to that? Let us empty ourselves of self-centredness to embody more and more the realization of the Truth within us. Let us guard the mind against the hindrances and pull out the poison arrow of craving. What freedom! We shall brighten the mind and lift up our hearts. This is life-saving sanctuary.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center
The Heart of Wisdom: Monastic Retreat
Appropriate Samatha-Vipassana
Nathan Glyde
How to practice in daily life, or whenever there is more going on than on the beneficial fabrication of a silent meditation retreat. Primarily we'll develop vibrant tranquility (samatha) via getting to know body-heart-mind, cultivating gratitude and mettā, and nourishing a spacious breath and body awareness. Once we've established attentional stability via this relaxed diligent attitude we can investigate and inquire into experience (vipassanā). The vipassanā techniques suggested in this meditation are more fully explored in other guided mediations on this retreat, and at DependentOrigination.org/resources
Dharmalaya Silent Meditation and Sustainable Living Work Retreat 2019
The Four Remembrances
Tara Brach
When we attune to the reality of impermanence and death, we remember what most matters to us. But in daily life we can lose precious swaths of time in a reactive trance, on our way somewhere else, and lost in problem solving, judgment and worry. This talk reflects on four remembrances or practices – Pausing, Yes to life, Turning toward love, and Resting in awareness – that help us awaken from trance and live true to the loving presence that is our essence.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC
IMCW Wednesday Evening Talks
Integrating the Dhamma: A Monthlong Retreat in Your Daily Life
Kim Allen
The Dhamma is meant to be embodied, both on the cushion and in our daily lives - this makes it "onward-leading." This monthlong program will enliven our practice for the new year.
The Five Spiritual Faculties serve as tools to develop our Dhamma skills, and also to evaluate and balance our practice.
We will explore the Faculties through weekly meetings consisting of group practice discussion, teachings, and sutta readings. There will also be reflections to deepen and integrate our Dhamma understanding, and the support of spiritual friendship.
Insight Santa Cruz