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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
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2020-10-19 Loving No Matter What 1:13:41
Dawn Scott
The turbulence of our times is asking us to discover for ourselves how to love. The word love has many associations. However, the love of compassion and equanimity is vigorous and peaceful, open to pain yet free of suffering, urgent with a vision of freedom yet patient. It reveals a vast and immense heart that can look on and immediately be in touch with beauty and horror and stay steady, loving no matter what. During our time together--respecting our reactivity, overwhelm, and other afflictive states--we'll explore the heart's wide and deep capacity for compassion and equanimity.
Flagstaff Insight Meditation Community FIMC Monday Night Talks

2020-10-08 Cultivating Equanimity 41:15
Donald Rothberg
We examine both the nature of equanimity and how to develop more equanimity, both in formal meditation and in the flow of our lives, including in the context of multiple contemporary crises. Equanimity has qualities of balance, evenness, unshakability, understanding and wisdom, faith, joy, and responsiveness. It can be cultivated in our basic mindfulness practice, as we develop more balance, particularly by learning from tends to unbalance us, including difficult emotions, thoughts, and body-states. We can also particularly focus on the teaching of the "Eight Worldly Winds" (or Conditions): pleasure and pain, gain and loss, fame and disrepute, praise and blame.
Insight Meditation Tucson

2020-07-29 Meditation: A Witnessing, Kind Presence 19:54
Tara Brach
Starting with scanning through the body and awakening the senses, we then rest in presence, with the breath as a home base. The meditation invites an openness to whatever arises, and a gentle kind attention if we encounter physical or emotional pain. We end with a prayer that includes our own being and all beings (from the 2017 archives).
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC

2020-07-01 Shame, Healing and Transformation 48:43
Tara Brach
Being at war with ourselves blocks us from evolving our consciousness and living from our hearts. This talk distinguishes between toxic and healthy shame, as well as shame about our individual self and our group identity. We explore how, with self-compassion and courageous honesty, we can respond to negative, painful feelings about ourselves in a way that serves awakening and alignment with our deepest values.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC

2020-06-09 22 guided meditation: compassion and self-compassion 17:03
Jill Shepherd
Beginning with compassion for someone we're close to who's experiencing some kind of pain, then extending compassion to ourselves, our co-meditators and all living beings
Auckland Insight Meditation Insight Meditation + Insight Dialogue seven-day retreat

2020-05-13 Sheltering in Love – Part 8: Finding Freedom in the Midst of Failure 45:56
Tara Brach
Everyone faces personal failure, and it’s an extremely raw and painful feeling. If we have the courage to stay with the feelings, failure can become a portal to the realization of who we are beyond the imperfect separate self. This talk calls on Samuel Beckett’s wonderful quote (referenced by Pema Chödron), “Fail, Fail again, Fail better,” and offers guidance on finding freedom as we move through some of our most difficult moments.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC

2020-05-06 Guided Equanimity Mindfulness of Pleasure, Pain, and Neutrality (Online Retreat at Spirit Rock) 58:02
Tempel Smith
Description: Guided meditation to bring mindful intimacy to pleasant, unpleasant, and neutral experiences in the body and other phenomena. This is the second foundation of mindfulness.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Equanimity Retreat - Online

2020-05-03 Dhamma Stream Online Puja: The Gift of Vulnerability 32:03
Ajahn Sucitto
It’s possible to meet suffering with an open heart. If the heart can open to grief, pain and vulnerability, a new view is possible – one beyond the cycle of birth and death. Keep the heart open to Dhamma, rooted in faith and goodwill. This is the Path to the deathless. *Sutta References: Therīgatha 6:2; Samyutta Nikaya 12:23; Samyutta Nikaya 1:10
Cittaviveka At Home with the Homeless: Ajahn Sucitto Locked Down

2020-04-29 Sheltering In Love (Part 6): Loneliness as a Portal to Sacred Presence (Part 2) 51:05
Tara Brach
The root of suffering is the pain of separation, the fears and loneliness that arise when we have forgotten our intrinsic belonging to each other and to all of life. These two talks look at the epidemic of loneliness predating the pandemic, and how loneliness is exacerbated in our current global crisis for those living alone, and for those feeling disconnected to themselves and others. We then explore how a courageous practice of compassionate presence - with our inner life, and in relationships - can turn the energy of loneliness into a current of healing and freedom.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC

2020-04-29 Question & Answer 37:55
Oren Jay Sofer
Open Q&A session, includes such topics as: handling restless thoughts; working with persistent worry; relating wisely to creative thoughts; opening the pain and suffering in the world.
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge Forest Refuge April Retreat Online

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