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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2023-01-04 Day 6: meditation Instructions – knowing thought as thought 53:06
Catherine McGee
Nothing whatsoever should be taken as I me or mine But thougts can feel so much like I me and mine
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Embodying the Heart of Wisdom: New Year’s Retreat

2023-01-03 Light touch meditation 42:30
Catherine McGee
As a support for metta practice
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Embodying the Heart of Wisdom: New Year’s Retreat

2023-01-03 Working with Emotions (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 62:38
Devon Hase
Short talk and guided meditation on recognizing, allowing, investigating, and not identifying with strong emotions.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center New Year's Insight Meditation Retreat

2023-01-03 Upekkha ~ a blessing 43:56
Ayya Santacitta
Guided Meditation
Aloka Vihara Forest Monastery New Year Retreat 2022 - 2023

2023-01-01 Even the most sublime state of mind comes to an end 37:03
Ayya Santacitta
Guided Meditation
Aloka Vihara Forest Monastery New Year Retreat 2022 - 2023

2023-01-01 Meeting Suffering with Compassion -Reflections, Instructions, and GM with Tonglen 63:04
Susie Harrington
Meeting the suffering of the world requires both wisdom of our interconnection, and compassion and equanimity to whole heartedly embrace the complexity of the suffering we find. Introduction following from previous talk. Detailed instructions for Tonglen (practice for transforming suffering into compassion) Guided Meditation: Tonglen.
Cache Valley Sangha :  New Year's Retreat: Finding Wholeness in a Broken World

2023-01-01 Reflections & Forgiveness Meditation 54:12
Kirsten Kratz
The freedom to forgive.
Gaia House New Year Dana Retreat

2022-12-31 The important work of cultivating the mind 40:37
Ayya Santacitta
Guided Meditation on earth element, unsatifactoriness, compassion & impermanence
Aloka Vihara Forest Monastery New Year Retreat 2022 - 2023

2022-12-31 Von der Meditation zur Lebenspraxis: die Paramitas 51:05
Fred Von Allmen
Meditationszentrum Beatenberg

2022-12-31 Retreat Introduction - Morning Reflection and Sit 45:48
Susie Harrington
Introductory Reflections for the retreat. Guided meditation focusing on Gratitude
Cache Valley Sangha :  New Year's Retreat: Finding Wholeness in a Broken World

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