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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2024-01-16 Morning Reflections: Letting Go, Even of "My Dharma Practice" 5:36
Tara Mulay
Insight Meditation Society - Forest Refuge January 2024

2024-01-15 Mindfulness of Breathing with Awareness of Feeling Tones 62:10
Jenny Wilks
Reflections and Guided Meditation
Gaia House Mindfulness, Breath by Breath

2024-01-15 Justice is What Love Looks Like in Public: Honoring Dr. King and Cultivating Bodhicitta (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 59:32
Kaira Jewel Lingo
We begin with Al Lingo, Kaira Jewel Lingo's dad telling stories of his time in the Civil Rights Movement working with Dr. King and then explore the importance of cultivating our hearts and minds to be able to support justice in the world, and also the importance of cultivating bodhicitta. We end with Dr. King's words condemning the war in Vietnam and the damaging effect of militarism on our collective health, and our current bloated military budget.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center January Metta 2024

2024-01-15 MLK Day: A Perspective on Socially Engaged Buddhism 1:44:05
Tuere Sala
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2024-01-14 Metta Practice with Difficulties and Challenges: Metta for the Difficult Person, Practicing with the Judgmental Mind, and Forgiveness 63:41
Donald Rothberg
We begin by exploring the nature of some of the challenges of metta practice, including with difficult emotions, body-states, and thoughts, and how to practice when these challenges arise. The spirit is that of understanding challenges as part of the path of learning. We then focus on one way of deliberating bring metta practice to a challenging situation, through metta with the difficult person, followed by an account of one particular challenge, the “judgmental mind,” its nature and how to practice with it; this includes a short selection from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.s’ sermon, “On Judging.” Lastly, there is an introduction to forgiveness practice.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center January Metta 2024

2024-01-14 Freedom and the Jewel of Sangha 51:04
Pamela Weiss
This talk will celebrate the life of Dr Martin Luther King Jr. and the women who surrounded him.
San Francisco Insight Meditation Community SFI Sunday Nights

2024-01-14 Guided Equanimity Practice (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 43:01
Gullu Singh
In this session Gullu shares a short dharmette about equanimity and then guides an equanimity practice using phrases.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center January Metta 2024

2024-01-14 Concluding Talk 48:12
Sayadaw U Tejaniya
Sasanarakkha Buddhist Sanctuary :  Sayadaw U Tejaniya Meditation Retreat, 2024

2024-01-14 Desire in Relation to Renunciation - Talk 34:13
Shelly Graf
Common Ground Meditation Center Weekly Dharma Series

2024-01-14 Desire in Relation to Renunciation - Meditation 28:56
Shelly Graf
Common Ground Meditation Center Weekly Dharma Series

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