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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2022-12-06 Instructions and Meditation - Mindfulness of Mind (cittānupassanā) 57:13
Bernat Font
Gaia House The Path of Mindfulness

2022-12-05 Guided Meditation Instructions 26:18
Ajahn Amaro
Deer Park Institute :  Sakkāydițțhi — ‘Self-View’, the First Obstacle to Enlightenment

2022-12-05 Guided Meditation - Appreciative and Altruistic Joy 43:28
Martine Batchelor
Gaia House The Path of Mindfulness

2022-12-05 Instructions and Meditation - Mindfulness of Feeling Tones 56:46
Martine Batchelor
Gaia House The Path of Mindfulness

2022-12-04 Ajahn Achalo at Bodhgaya 1:19:02
Ajahn Achalo
Ajahn gives a dhamma talk and answers questions at the 17th International Tipitaka Chanting Ceremony. 00:00 Introduction 03:15 Dhamma talk 41:27 Q&A - Questions are précised. 41:27 Q1: On retreat I can sit for about 45 minutes before I have to move, but outslde retreat, I can sit still for only about 20-25 minutes. Can you advise me please? 57:12 Q2: Can you clarify please ' I read a translation that says one mark of awareness is 'holding'. But my experience is that it is discernment or acknowledgement that is a mark. 1:00:40 Q3: I have read the word 'feeling' being applied to the body and also 'feeling' applied to the mind. But my understanding is that feeling is in the mind only and what the body experiences in called a sensation, not a feeling. Can you clarify this? 1:02:23 Q4: Why is 'form' included in the 5 kandas / skandas? It seems I experience 'feeling', not form. 1:04:29 Q5: Can you please describe the 37 path factors? (Ajahn says he will address it in his talk on Dec 8th). 1:05:50 Q6: Regarding attachment, how can we relinquish attachments when we also want to live in a state of love and compassion with others? Is there not a conflict there? 1:10:25 Q7: We do meditation to empty our minds, but can we live in this world with an empty mind? 1:13:24 Q8: I am new at this and struggle to conduct a practice and not being imposed on by kalyanamitta who advise me not to meditate but only to serve. 1:14:47 Q9: (in view of your answer) Should we then practice alone and not have kalyanamitta? What is sangha then? 1:16:39 Q10: Is consciousness really conscious in itself or is it dependent?

2022-12-04 Guided Meditation on the Breath 41:49
Bernat Font
Gaia House The Path of Mindfulness

2022-12-04 Instructions and Meditation: fields of mindfulness, body and breath. 56:45
Bernat Font
Gaia House The Path of Mindfulness

2022-12-02 Even though I am afflicted in body, my mind will be unafflicted: SN22.1 1:22:15
Bhante Sujato
Guided meditation on sīlanussati. Dhamma Talk: SN22.1 Nakula's Father. Discussion of Sāriputta's analysis of what is meant by the Buddha's statement on coping with old age: “Even though I am afflicted in body, my mind will be unafflicted.”
Lokanta Vihara

2022-11-29 Vision, tâche et attitude de la méditation 54:28
Pascal Auclair
True North Insight La sagesse incarnée

2022-11-28 Forgiveness 50:22
Winnie Nazarko
In meditation practice, particular places of hurt me arise repeatedly. These places may be is by mindful reflection on the theme of forgiveness and the wisdom of letting go.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Three-Month Retreat - Part 2

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