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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2022-09-13 Getting Started with Mindfulness (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 68:34
Diana Winston
This meditation is excellent for beginners, establishing them in their anchor or focus point, with several options of breath, sound, and body.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Mindfulness for Everyone: The Basics and Beyond

2022-09-12 Understanding the Hindrance of Sense Desire - Meditation 33:32
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Buddhist Studies: Relating Wisely with the Hindrances

2022-09-12 The Reality of the Present Meditation | Monday Night 27:09
Jack Kornfield
With your eyes closed, sense yourself seated here in the reality of the present, just now—be here now, in this moment. Feel a connection to the ground beneath you—you're held to Mother Earth by gravity. Feel the steadiness, groundedness of taking this seat half way between Heaven and Earth, under your own tree of enlightenment. Let the heart be soft to receive whatever arises in the spirit of kindness and compassion.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2022-09-11 Uncovering Safety in Letting Go - Meditation 38:35
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Fall Residential Retreat

2022-09-10 Cultivation of good will (mettā) meditation 39:33
Jenny Wilks
London Insight Meditation Jenny Wilks – Meditation: a deeper calm than stillness

2022-09-10 Cultivation of Insight meditation 31:13
Jenny Wilks
London Insight Meditation Jenny Wilks – Meditation: a deeper calm than stillness

2022-09-10 Cultivation of calmness meditation 35:25
Jenny Wilks
London Insight Meditation Jenny Wilks – Meditation: a deeper calm than stillness

2022-09-09 Chanting, Guided meditation on the breath, Dhamma talk on leadership 1:28:17
Bhante Sujato
Chanting. Guided meditation on the breath; ways to avoid instrumentalising meditation. Dhamma talk on leadership. Comparing the Queen and the Buddha, qualities of leadership the Buddha promoted, as well as leadership in the sāngha.
Lokanta Vihara

2022-09-07 Meditation: Resting in a Sea of Presence 20:49
Tara Brach
This mindful body scan leads us into a practice of relaxing back into awareness, and recognizing the changing waves of sensations, sounds and feelings in the foreground. As we let go into the sea of presence, we discover am increasing sense of wholeness and peace. The meditation ends with a brief lovingkindness prayer.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC

2022-09-07 Navigating Conflict with a Wise Heart – Part 1 54:33
Tara Brach
This series of talks offers guidance in transforming conflict into a portal for awakening your understanding, flexibility and compassion. We look at how to heal our own unmet needs and not be dependent on others changing; and how to engage with another person when both are dedicated to mindful communication. We also extend our exploration to societal conflict. The talks are accompanied by reflections and meditations that can directly enhance your capacity to respond to conflict from the most wise and caring part of your being.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC

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