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The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2015-05-20 Guided Metta Meditation 45:14
Mark Nunberg
Spirit Rock Meditation Center A Field Guide to the Mind: Practical Abhidhamma for Meditators

2015-05-19 Guided Metta Body Scan 45:56
Mark Nunberg
Spirit Rock Meditation Center A Field Guide to the Mind: Practical Abhidhamma for Meditators

2015-05-14 The 5 Spiritual Faculties: "The Awakened Mind IS the Awakened Heart" 60:40
Heather Sundberg
The talk opens with a story about Ajahn Pasanno and an introduction to the metaphor of the 5 Spiritual Faculties as a team of 5 Horses pulling "The Cart of Self". The rest of the talk explores the relationship between the 5 Faculties and the 4 Divine Abodes (metta, compassion, joy, equanimity)
Spirit Rock Meditation Center May Insight Meditation Retreat

2015-05-10 Calling Up Metta 10:38
Michele McDonald
Hollyhock :  Metta Vipassana: Awareness as a Path to Liberation

2015-05-04 Exploring our Motivation with Metta 53:42
Michele McDonald
Hollyhock :  Metta Vipassana: Awareness as a Path to Liberation

2015-05-03 Metta through Joy and Sorrow 54:11
Jesse Maceo Vega-Frey
Hollyhock :  Metta Vipassana: Awareness as a Path to Liberation

2015-05-02 Metta Instructions - Benefactor 16:47
Michele McDonald
Hollyhock :  Metta Vipassana: Awareness as a Path to Liberation

2015-05-02 Intro to Metta; Movement; Being Gazed Upon with Eyes of Love; Chanting; Walking/Metta Instruction 1 66:47
Catherine McGee
Gaia House Return to the Boundless Heart

2015-04-30 Metta WalkingIinstructions 20:41
Jesse Maceo Vega-Frey
Hollyhock :  Metta Vipassana: Awareness as a Path to Liberation

2015-04-29 Talk #3 on Metta Sutta 50:36
Sylvia Boorstein
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

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