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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2022-09-07 Guided Meditation Exploring Reactivity 38:27
Donald Rothberg
After initial instructions for settling and stabiliizing, and then for basic mindfulness, there are about 10 minutes for stabilizing, followed by brief instructions to track reactivity, and about 10 minutes later for exploring moderate or great levels of pleasant or unpleasant (when in the workable range for mindfulness), noticing any tendencies toward reactivity.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks

2022-09-05 Instructions -Reflections on Finding the Spaciousness of Awareness, & Guided Meditation 43:58
Jaya Rudgard
Gaia House Encountering the Practice of the Heart

2022-09-04 Instructions - Importance of Body in Practice, Guided Meditation 40:46
Gaia House Encountering the Practice of the Heart

2022-09-03 Chanting, Guided meditation, Dhamma talk on the Dvayatānupassanāsutta 1:27:46
Bhante Sujato
Chanting. Guided meditation focused on pairs of contrasting ideas to encourage contemplation on wholesome and unwholesome qualities in the mind. Dhamma talk on the Dvayatānupassanāsutta from Sutta Nipāta 3.12 (Contemplating Pairs). Detailed analysis of this sutta of contrasting pairs with correlation to dependent origination; of which one pair aspect leads to the origination of suffering, and the other pair aspect leads to the cessation of suffering. Brief discussion on the history, organization, and grouping of numbers in the suttas.
Lokanta Vihara
Attached Files:
  • Snp 3.12 (Contemplating Pairs) by (Link)
  • The Numbered Discourses: things that are useful every day by Bhante Sujato (Link)

2022-09-03 Lightly Guided Meditation - Touching the Earth, Opening Around Hindrances 29:28
Gaia House Encountering the Practice of the Heart

2022-09-03 Instructions & Guided Meditation, Walking Instructions 58:15
Jaya Rudgard, Sumedha
Gaia House Encountering the Practice of the Heart

2022-09-03 35 meditation: equanimity 30:25
Jill Shepherd
Experiences being known, moment to moment, with no I, me, my or mine
Te Moata Retreat Center :  Healing the heart, refining the mind, finding freedom

2022-09-02 GM 22:26
Ajahn Sucitto
A combined talk, examining how chanting contributes to external and internal practice, and guided meditation (at 12:15) addressing the framing of the body.
Cittaviveka 2022 Online Teaching

2022-09-02 The Dharma Medicine of Joy - Talk and Meditation 61:56
Mark Nunberg
Common Ground Meditation Center Labor Day Retreat

2022-09-02 30 meditation: spaciousness 43:10
Jill Shepherd
Tuning into space as a support for spaciousness of mind
Te Moata Retreat Center :  Healing the heart, refining the mind, finding freedom

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