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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2023-11-23 L'équanimité 26:26
Pascal Auclair
True North Insight Retraite Pleine consciente et Dharma

2023-11-22 Taking Refuge In the Midst of It All ~ the Foundation of All Buddhist Practice 44:57
Ayya Santacitta
Short Reflection & Guided Meditation | Earthworm Practice for the Anthropocene | Online Wednesday-Mornings
Aloka Earth Room

2023-11-22 Dharma Talk: The Great Return (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 65:41
Radical reflection — returning to the root. Contemplation of impermanence as a potent key leading to dispassion, and the heart returning to its on unshakeable nature; mantra as mind-ground practice
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Refuge, Resilience, Presence, and Love In Our Times

2023-11-22 The Importance of Gladdening the Mind 51:58
Tuere Sala
Cambridge Insight Meditation Center

2023-11-22 Meditation: The Space of Loving Awareness 19:53
Tara Brach
This meditation begins by guiding us through a scan: opening to inner space and aliveness, then to outer space, and then continuous space, filled with the light of awareness. We explore how every experience belongs to this infinite awake space of our Being, and can be held with tenderness and love.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC

2023-11-22 A Generous Heart 55:07
Tara Brach
Our deep potential is to live from an awake, loving heart. This talk looks at how, with a kind and mindful attention, we can decondition habitual tendencies toward grasping and self-centeredness, and nourish the sense of connectedness and care that gives rise to generosity. As we bring these heart practices alive in our most immediate relationships, they have the power to evolve consciousness in widening circles across the world.
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC

2023-11-22 Le corps comme portail vers l'impermanence 56:19
Pascal Auclair
True North Insight Retraite Pleine consciente et Dharma

2023-11-22 The House of Mirrors of Emotions and Mind States 61:32
Yahel Avigur
Part 3: Approaching the phenomena of self
Gaia House November Solitary Retreat

2023-11-22 Sati (pleine conscience) 65:04
Pascal Auclair
True North Insight Retraite Pleine consciente et Dharma

2023-11-22 Practicing with Conflict: Foundations 3 66:27
Donald Rothberg
We start by reviewing briefly the two times' accounts of the foundations for practicing with differences and conflicts, first giving a definition of "conflict" as a difference of values, goals, or strategies, and not necessarily involving hostility or aggression. There's an invitation to focus on a conflict in one's life that is in the moderate range of difficulty, and bring this to mind as we work with ten foundations of skillful practice with conflict. We look again briefly at the multiple reasons why bringing our practice to conflicts is often difficult, and then review the more "inner" four foundations of skillful practice with conflict (1-4). We then bring in six further foundations which are more "outer," including (5) developing guidelines and agreements, especially in groups or organizations, but also with individuals; (6) clarifying a vision of a "win-win" or "both-and" approach to conflicts that meet the underlying interests or needs of all concerned; and (7) developing empathy. We offer two brief empathy practices, including one done in the context of one's own conflict. Three further foundations are offered: (8) grounding in Buddhist ethics, particularly the precepts and the understanding that one should bring care and kindness to all, and that all have Buddha Nature; (9) skillful speech (part of ethical training); and (10) the bringing of these ethical dimensions into collective life, through nonviolent action and the concept, in Dr. King's work, of the beloved community. After the talk, there is a discussion.
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Monday and Wednesday Talks
Attached Files:
  • Johan Galtung's Win-Win Model of Conflict Transformation by Donald Rothberg (PDF)
  • Feelings Inventory from NVC by NVC (added by Donald Rothberg) (PDF)
  • Needs Inventory from NVC by NVC (added by Donald Rothberg) (PDF)
  • Empathy Map by Donald Rothberg/Oren Jay Sofer (PDF)

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