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gift of the teachings
Dharma Talks
2017-01-05 06 Talk: Three Universal Characteristics and the Five Hindrances 52:00
Jill Shepherd
The purpose of insight as seeing clearly into the three universal characteristics of anicca - impermanence, dukkha - unsatisfactoriness, and anatta - not-self, and how the five hindrances of sensual desire, ill will or aversion, sloth and torpor, restlessness and remorse, and sceptical doubt get in the way of clear seeing
Blue Mountains Insight Meditation Centre New Year, New Beginnings

2017-01-05 Creativity of perception 61:18
Catherine McGee
We are an open system, nothing we do is inconsequential - including the ways we consciously or unconsciously conceive of, and perceive experience.
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Embodying the Heart of Wisdom: New Year’s Retreat

2017-01-05 Empty of Inherent Existence 57:01
Nathan Glyde
SanghaSeva Somnath Silent Retreat - Anandwan

2017-01-05 Practicing Metta with Sensations 42:17
Zohar Lavie
Extending the practice of good will which is usually offered to all living beings to all phenomena of living experience
SanghaSeva Somnath Silent Retreat - Anandwan

2017-01-05 Guided Metta meditation. 45:20
Akincano Marc Weber
Insight Meditation Society - Retreat Center Embodying the Heart of Wisdom: New Year’s Retreat

2017-01-05 05 Instructions: Refining mindfulness of the body 8:22
Jill Shepherd
Instructions for paying closer attention to physical sensations in the body, and guidance on meditating in pairs, naming physical sensations out loud
Blue Mountains Insight Meditation Centre New Year, New Beginnings

2017-01-05 Day 5 Meditation Instructions - Dukkha Way of Looking (Unsatisfactoriness) 55:46
Zohar Lavie
SanghaSeva Somnath Silent Retreat - Anandwan

2017-01-05 Resting the Monkeymind 23:43
Ayya Santacitta
Guided Meditation
Aloka Vihara Forest Monastery (Angela Center)

2017-01-05 Instructions and Sitting Meditation Day 1 (Retreat at Spirit Rock) 39:46
Howard Cohn
Spirit Rock Meditation Center Essential Dharma Meditation Retreat

2017-01-05 04 Meditation: Mindfulness of breathing in two ways 28:33
Jill Shepherd
Two ways of working with mindfulness of the breath: to settle the mind and/or refine awareness
Blue Mountains Insight Meditation Centre New Year, New Beginnings

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